Amount of tax for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration of declared objects is determined by applying the following rates to the accrual tax base for one-time (special) voluntary declaration:
a) 5%:
to currency values placed on bank accounts in Ukraine in compliance with legislative requirements on the placement of funds in national and foreign currencies in cash and / or bank metals on current accounts with a special regime of use in Ukrainian banks and on the monetary claim right against residents of Ukraine, defined in item “a” of section “Objects of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration”;
to the declaration objects defined in item “b” – “e” of section “Objects of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration” located (registered) in Ukraine, except for those which are taxed at the rate specified in item c) of this section.
For application of 5% tax rate for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration on the date of submission of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration the declarant’s funds in national and foreign currencies, bank metals must be placed in Ukrainian banks.
Alternatively, the taxpayer may choose 6% rate with the tax liability payment in three equal installments per year;
b) 9%
to currency values placed on accounts in foreign banks or stored in foreign financial institutions and to the monetary claim right against non-residents of Ukraine, defined in item “a” of section “Objects of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration”;
to the declaration objects defined in item “b” – “e” of section “Objects of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration” located (registered) abroad, except for those that are taxed at the rate specified in paragraph b) of this section.
For application of 9% tax rate for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration, the collection rates of declarant’s funds in foreign currency on the date of submission of such declaration must be placed on accounts in banks and / or other financial institutions abroad.
Alternatively, the taxpayer may choose 11.5% rate with the tax liability payment in three equal installments per year.
!!! Temporarily from September 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022, the tax rate for one-time (special) voluntary declaration, defined in paragraph b) of this section is applicable at 7%.
Alternatively, the taxpayer may choose 9.5% rate with the tax liability payment in three equal installments per year;
c) 2.5% to the nominal value of government bonds of Ukraine with a maturity of more than 365 days without a right of early redemption, purchased by declarant in the period from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022 before submitting the one-time (special) voluntary declaration.
Alternatively, the taxpayer may choose 3% rate with the tax liability payment in three equal installments per year.