Citizens of Ukraine have declared assets with a total worth of 157.2 million UAH since the beginning of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration campaign.
Total amount of declared levy has amounted to 7.3 million UAH. Budget has already received 6.7 million UAH as of 17.11.2021.
Reminder! Citizens of Ukraine who have assets that have not been properly taxed may voluntarily pass the one-time (special) declaration, pay the one-time levy and legalize such assets. Tax amnesty applies to such assets in the form of cash, currency, securities, movable and immovable property in Ukraine and abroad.
One-time (special) voluntary declaration of income is a right, not an obligation of a citizen. Only at own request a person can declare assets, which were not previously taxed.
Declaration is submitted to the State Tax Service of Ukraine directly by taxpayers through the E-cabinet.
More details regarding procedure of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration can be found here.
Communicate with the State Tax Service remotely using the “InfoTAX” service