Twenty first clause of Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine as of 06.07.1995 “On use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services” with changes and amendments stipulates that accounting book of settlement operations (abb. KOPO) is a book bounded and duly registered in controlling bodies, containing daily reports compiled on the basis of relevant settlement documents on the movement of cash, products (services).
Paragraph 2 Chapter 1 Section II of Procedure of registration and maintenance of settlement books and accounting books of settlement operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as of 14.06.2016 № 547” with changes and amendments (hereinafter – Procedure) determines that registration of KOPO is carried out in the controlling body at the main registration place of business entity as a taxpayer.
Business entity – income tax payer may register KOPO at location of its separate units located in a territory other than that this business entity.
National operators may register KOPO at location of their separate branches or economic units where KOPO will be used:
Joint Stock Company “Ukrposhta” – at the location of branches (units);
Public Joint Stock Company “Ukrtelecom” – at the location of telecommunication services centers and departments;
State enterprise of special communication – at the location of nodes and points of special communication;
Joint-stock company “Ukrayinska zaliznytsya” – at the location of stations, subdivisions of locomotive, wagon, track, freight, passenger and other facilities necessary to ensure operation of the railway transport.
KOPO at the location of separate units and business entities of a legal entity are registered under a code of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine of a legal entity.
Paragraph 3 Chapter 1 Section II of Procedure stipulates that KOPO is registered for each separate economic unit and the number of KOPO registered at the same time is not limited.
KOPO’s form for business unit is given in Annex 2 to the Procedure.
Paragraph 4 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure stipulates that KOPO, during its registration, is assigned with a fiscal number for a separate business unit in the controlling body.
KOPO’s fiscal number for a separate business unit consists of 10-digit numerical sequence number of registration record in the information and telecommunication system of the State Tax Service, according to the algorithm of its formation and letter “d”.
Paragraph 5 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure determines that the fiscal number of second and subsequent KOPOs consists of the fiscal number of the first KOPO, registered for the same separate business unit and affixed through a fraction of the serial number of the next KOPO.
After deregistration, the fiscal number is closed and no longer used.
Paragraph 6 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure stipulates that KOPO must be bound, sequentially numbered and have appropriate controls in place to prevent it from being untied or its sheets removed without compromising integrity of control means.
KOPO’s title page should contain information about business entity, number of sheets, number of installed control mean and data on registrar of settlement operations (abb. RRO) in case of KOPO’s registration on RRO (modification, production and fiscal numbers, software version).
First clause of Paragraph 7 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure stipulates that for registration of the first and subsequent KOPOs for business unit in the controlling body, the business entity or its representative shall submit the following to the controlling body:
registration application for KOPO and / or settlement book in the form № 1- KOPO (Annex 3 to the Procedure) (hereinafter – registration application № 1- KOPO (identifier J / F1311304) (Second clause of Paragraph 7 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure);
KOPO per business unit (Third clause of Paragraph 7 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure).
Registration application № 1- KOPO may be submitted by the head of business entity / individual-entrepreneur / representative of business entity, provided that there are documents proving his / her identity and confirming granted powers (Fourth clause of Paragraph 7 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure).
Registration application № 1- KOPO must be signed by the head of business entity / individual-entrepreneur / representative of business entity, provided that there are documents proving his / her identity and confirming granted authority, as well as compliance with electronic identification requirements in case of submission of application in electronic form with indication of submission date.
All sections of the Registration application № 1- KOPO is subject to mandatory completion.
Business entities included in the submission system of tax documents in electronic form may submit Registration application № 1- KOPO in electronic form by the telecommunications means in compliance with requirements of the laws in electronic document management sphere and use of electronic documents, indicating mandatory requisites of electronic documents.
Consideration procedure and deadlines of applications submitted in electronic form by the controlling body are the same as for applications submitted in paper form (Paragraph 8 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure).
Paragraph 11 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure envisages that in the absence of grounds for refusal to register KOPO, the controlling body’s official not later than two working days from the date of receipt of application shall register KOPO by entering data to the information and telecommunication system of the State Tax Service.
Registering KOPO for business unit, the controlling body’s official makes entries in relevant lines of KOPO’s title page (number of KOPO generated in the information and telecommunication system of the State Tax Service, its registration date, name of the controlling body).
Paragraph 12 Chapter 1 Section II of the Procedure stipulates that at the request of business entity, the first few KOPOs may be registered for business unit for use in individual settlement locations. Such KOPOs are registered in the information and telecommunication system of the State Tax Service and receive a fiscal number for each KOPO.
More information is in the “Knowledge Base” of public information and reference resource