General fund of the State budget of Ukraine received 4.2 billion UAH of excise tax on goods produced in Ukraine in January 2021. Actual revenues exceeded expectations by 10.9%. Budget additionally received 412.7 million UAH.
Revenues have increased by 32.2% or 1 billion UAH comparing to January 2020.
Special fund of the State budget of Ukraine received 976.5 million UAH of excise tax on goods produced in Ukraine in January 2021. Actual revenues exceeded expectations by 51.1%. Budget additionally received 330.3 million UAH.
Revenues have increased by 45% or 303.1 million UAH comparing to January 2020.
Excise tax revenues from the sale of excisable goods by retail business entities to local budgets amounted to 695.7 million UAH in January 2021. Actual revenues exceeded expectations by 6.5%. Budget additionally received 42.2 million UAH.
Revenues have increased by 1.2% or 8.1 million UAH comparing to January 2020.
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