Electronic service “InfoTAX” continues to find new supporters among users. This service was used by up to 26 thousand payers during January – February 2021.
According to analysis, the number of users is increasing every month by an average of 6 thousand people who choose this type of mobile communication with the State Tax Service.
Using the “InfoTAX” it is possible to obtain information about the status of budgetary payments, registration and accounting data, results of document processing, occurrence of tax debt, deadlines for reporting and payment of taxes, as well as information about the VAT system of electronic administration, etc.
In total, the “InfoTAX” users have about 20 services at their disposal.
Reminder! Electronic service “InfoTAX” has been operating since November 2020. It provides opportunity to receive the up-to-date and necessary tax information via Telegram and Viber messengers.
More than 12 thousand users were connected to this service as of the 1st of January 2021.
Communicate with the State Tax Service remotely using the “InfoTAX” service