Accounts for receipts to local budgets of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city have been opened from 01.03.2021 for payment of debts from local taxes and fees that arose before the date of beginning of the temporary occupation.
Information about the new requisites of budget accounts is posted on the main page of the web portal of the State Tax Service, on the subsites of territorial bodies of the State Tax Service at and in the Taxpayer Service Centers.
In addition, please note that taxpayer has opportunity to find out new requisites of budget accounts for payment in the tab “Status of settlements with the budget” of the Electronic Cabinet. Login to the Electronic Cabinet is at
Accounts for receipts to local budgets of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city for payment of debts from local taxes and fees that arose before the date of beginning of the temporary occupation, defined by the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring rights and freedoms and legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine” that for payment of debts by residents who have taxable objects located in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine have been opened by the Main Directorate of the State Treasury Service in Kherson region to implement Paragraph 16 of Section VI “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Budget Code of Ukraine.
Communicate with the State Tax Service remotely using the “InfoTAX” service