One of the main principles in activity of the State Tax Service is zero tolerance towards corruption.
A number of measures are being taken to prevent corruption and expose dishonest employees. Unfortunately, despite the intensive work in the State Tax Service and its bodies, there are cases of illegal actions committed by its employees.
During last month, the law enforcement officers detained several employees of Main Directorates of the STS in Volyn, Kyiv, Rivne, and Ternopil regions receiving illegal benefits.
STS’s leadership promptly responded to these facts.
Today, in order to find out reasons and conditions that led to the commission of corruption offenses, the central apparatus of the STS and its territorial bodies are conducting inspections on these facts.
Based on their results, decisions will be made on the expediency of employees involved in cases and their immediate superiors in positions at the STS bodies. Principled assessment of the heads of Main Directorates of territorial bodies of the STS will be provided.
In total, during January – February 2021, the authorized divisions of the STS considered 264 appeals of citizens, legal entities and individuals regarding involvement of tax officials in violations of current legislation, including anti-corruption. 161 inspections were carried out (inspections, disciplinary proceedings and official investigations). As a result, 23 employees were disciplined. Also, 33 materials were sent to specially authorized entities in the anti-corruption sphere or relevant law enforcement agencies to decide on the preparation of administrative materials or opening of criminal proceedings.
Authorized entities in the anti-corruption sphere and law enforcement agencies have initiated 3 criminal proceedings based on the consideration results of specially sent materials.
Leadership of the State Tax Service of Ukraine will continue to respond uncompromisingly to such cases to clean up the ranks of service, prevent, detect and stop corruption, restore legal rights and interests of individuals and legal entities and eliminate corruption consequences.
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