State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine Dmytro Samonenko introduced new Acting Chairman of the State Tax Service Tetiana Kirienko during a conference call with heads of the STS’s structural units and its territorial bodies.
Dmytro Samonenko expressed confidence that Tetiana Kirienko’s professionalism and positive experience of working in tax and public authorities will be useful for organizing effective work of the STS and achieving high results by the tax team.
In turn, Tetiana Kirienko noted that the President of Ukraine and leadership of the state have set extremely difficult tasks for the STS, which must be unconditionally fulfilled. In particular, an emphasis was placed on ensuring the over-fulfillment of certain indicators of budget revenues through effective tax administration, prevention of illegal actions in the STS’s activities.
“I think that tax specialists will be understanding towards changes that will take place in its activities. I am sure that our work, professional approach and colleagues will allow to perform tasks with honor” – emphasized Tetiana Kirienko in appeal to the STS’s team.
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