With assistance of the Corruption prevention and detection and tax services departments of the State Tax Service, the Main Investigative Department of the National Police of Ukraine under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General’s Office and operational support of the Cyber department of the Security Service of Ukraine stopped operation of criminal scheme and prevented theft of property worth billions of UAH.
As it turned out, perpetrators, using information from electronic systems of the State Tax Service, developed a mechanism for misappropriation and embezzlement of the VAT registration limit of enterprises located in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Due to such criminal actions, they managed to appropriate assets worth more than 240 million UAH.
To expose such crimes, especially in wartime, the State Tax Service will always provide support to the law enforcement agencies. Zero tolerance to corruption is the main principle of the Service's functioning. Therefore, cases of possible involvement of tax officials in corrupt actions are always considered promptly.
Reminder! Taxpayers have opportunity to inform about illegal actions or inaction of officials of the State Tax Service of Ukraine through the web portal https://tax.gov.ua/others/puls-