Campaign for citizens to declare income received during the previous year started on January 1, 2024.
According to Section IV of the Tax Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – Code), payers are obliged to submit property and income declaration and to declare received income, who received:
certain types of income that are not subject to taxation upon payment, but are not exempted from taxation (Sub-paragraph 168.1.3 Paragraph 168.1 Article 168 of the Code);
income from individual who is not a tax agent (from other individuals (residents or non-residents)) (Sub-paragraph 168.2.1 Paragraph 168.2 Article 168 of the Code);
foreign income (Sub-paragraph 170.11.1 Paragraph 170.11 Article 170 of the Code).
income from business activities, except for individuals who chose simplified taxation system (Article 177 of the Code);
income from independent professional activity (Article 178 of the Code).
Declarations must also be submitted by:
foreigners who, based on results of reporting year, acquired status of a resident of Ukraine, who must reflect the tax declaration income with source of their origin in Ukraine and foreign income (Sub-paragraph 170.10.4 Paragraph 170.10 Article 170 of the Code);
taxpayers – residents who move abroad to a permanent place of residence not later than 60 calendar days prior to departure (Paragraph 179.3 Article 179 of the Code).
Citizens also have a right to submit tax declaration in order to receive tax discount.