Service of obtaining certification regarding state of settlements with the budget and trust funds according to data of the State Tax Service has been improved in the Electronic cabinet.
It is possible to receive certification regarding state of settlements with the budget and trust funds according to data of the State Tax Service from May 1, 2024:
for any year, current year and previous years separately;
with calculation of penalty on the amount of existing tax debt on the day of payer's application;
with/without signature of the controlling body’s official.
Detailed information on how to obtain certification on the state of settlements with the budget and trust funds according to data of the State Tax Service can be found at the link: povernennya-platejiv-z-byudjetu/stan-rozrahunkiv-platnikiv-z-byudjetom-ta-fondami/oderjannya-platnikami-dokumentu-schodo-stanu-rozrahunkiv-platnikiv-z-byudj/videouroki/11025.html.