Steady tendency of growth in the number of registered RRO/PRRO, amounts of settlement transactions carried out through such RRO/PRRO and number of settlement documents created was observed in 2024 compared to 2023.
Number of registered RRO/PRRO by business entities has increased by 11.9% (from 851.2 thousand in 2023 to 952.6 thousand in 2024).
Total amount of revenues declared by business entities in 2024 compared to 2023 has increased by 1 160 billion UAH or 35.4% (from 3 280.6 billion UAH to 4 440.6 billion UAH).
Along with this, steady positive tendency has been achieved in increasing the number of checks created by RRO/PRRO.
During 2024, the number of checks increased by 1 639 million pieces compared to 2023, or by 20.9% (from 7 848 million pieces to 9 487 million pieces).
Such statistics indicate that taxpayers have become more aware of their obligations to issue fiscal check, and citizens have become more aware of their right to receive the one.