Business entities providing payment transaction services are required to issue fiscal checks in a new form and content – fiscal cashier's check for transactions involving the receipt of funds for their subsequent transfer from March 1.
Changes were made by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
What will change in fiscal checks?
Excluded requisites:
- card ID number;
- cashier's signature;
- electronic payment instrument holder's signature.
Added requisites:
- payment mean;
- payment currency;
- buyer's passport requisites for sale of alcohol and tobacco in duty-free shops;
- content of the QR code is added with a search query for checking receipt in the RRO Accounting System;
- message authentication code (MAC) of the receipt from the RRO;
- weight of a unit of tobacco product (indicated for cigarillos, tobacco and tobacco products sold in a set) and number of tobacco products in a unit of goods (pack), the strength of alcoholic beverages and volume (in liters) of a unit of goods (bottle) (for alcoholic beverages) when sold in duty-free shops;
- amount of the rest.
Until March 1, 2025,it is possible to use old check forms on software RRO and cash registers registered in the State Register of RRO.
For reference:
Changes to Regulations on the form and content of settlement documents/electronic settlement documents were made by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 601 as of 22.11.2024 “On amendments to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 13 as of 21.01.2016”, with changes.