Obligation to notify about changes
Individuals-taxpayers are required to submit to the controlling authorities information about changes in data entered in the Account card within one month from the date of such changes. Information is submitted by submitting Application in Form № 5DR and identity document.
Filling out the Application form № 5DR
To fill out and submit the Application, the following is needed:
- identity document and other documents confirming change in the individuals’ information;
- extract from register of the territorial community / passport in the form of a booklet / temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine to confirm the residence place;
- registration certificate for internally displaced persons.
Important: Submitting the Application form № 5DR to the tax authority, you must provide originals and copies of all documents used to fill it out (originals are returned after verification).
Ways to submit the application
in a paper form:
1. Personally – to any tax authority.
2. Through a representative, in such case it is necessary to have:
- representative's identity document – principal’s identity document or its photocopies (with a clear image),
- a notarized power of attorney to make changes to the State register (returned upon presentation).
in electronic form (with copies of supporting documents necessary for making changes to the State register) via:
- taxpayer’s Electronic cabinet (cabinet.tax.gov.ua),
- mobile application "My Tax Service".
Deadline for making changes
Tax authority updates information in register within three working days after submitting the application.
* Contact Center of the State Tax Service of Ukraine provides consultations to the taxpayers, clarifications regarding tax legislation and assistance in resolving tax-related questions. Total number of applications received last year reached 1 062 448.
How to contact? Hotline: 0 800 501 007 (free calls). E-mail: idd@tax.gov.ua. Personal account: Through the taxpayer’s electronic cabinet.
Working hours: Monday–Friday, from 08:00 to 18:00.