Meeting of representatives of the State Tax Service, All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine was dedicated to implementation of the tax risk management system in the State Tax Service.
It was about measures of the State Tax Service to implement draft project regarding functioning of the tax risk management system (compliance risks) in the State Tax Service" according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 854 as of 25.07.2024.
Project implementation will ensure systematic and unified approach to managing the tax compliance risks in work of the State Tax Service’s authorities across the entire vertical, focusing efforts of tax authorities on the most risky sectors and taxpayers.
Strategic goal of the compliance risk management is to continuously increase level of voluntary compliance with tax law requirements by the taxpayers by identifying and prioritizing risks of loss of tax revenues and implementing measures aimed at minimizing the risks.
Compliance risk management covers the main obligations of the taxpayer as defined by tax legislation: proper registration in the tax system; timely submission of tax reporting; provision of complete and accurate information in tax reporting and timely payment of tax liabilities within the established deadlines.