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Hotlines for taxpayers consultations in territorial bodies of the State Tax Service





Main Directorate of the STS in Vinnytsia region

(066) 8930430
(RRO/PRRO use)

(097) 8549576
(on matters related to declaration of income received by citizens and self-employed individuals)

(0432) 592340
(068) 2011439
(control and verification work: general)

(0432) 592342
(068) 6263471
(actual audits)

(097) 8549576
(for individuals on accrual and payment of the minimum tax liability)

(0432) 592318
(068) 2011439
(VAT refunding)

(0432) 592318
(068) 2011439

(097) 0914661
(0432) 592335

(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculations in the Unified State Register of Tax Invoices, submission of the Taxpayer data table)

(096) 0479688
(compliance with the taxpayer risk criteria, registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculations in the Unified State Register of Tax Invoices, submission of the Taxpayer data table)

(096) 4202894
(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculations in the Unified State Register of Tax Invoices, export provision)

(0432) 592337
(068) 2011439
(currency legislation)

(096) 0920727
(093) 8173616
(0432) 556701
(provision of administrative services for registration and accounting of taxpayers, acceptance of tax financial and other reporting)

(0432) 592341
(VAT administration)

(0432) 592335
(work of Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Vinnytsia region on issues of registration suspension of tax invoices/ adjustment calculations in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices)

(097) 6408964
(0432) 556710
(0432) 556708
(0432) 592346
(consultation of taxpayers regarding the debt repayment)

(066) 0236195
(consultation of taxpayers on issues related to the administration of personal income tax, military levy, single tax on individuals, other taxes and levies on citizens and business entities – individuals)

(068) 4464303
(control over production and turnover of alcohol, alcohol-containing products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, liquids used in electronic cigarettes and fuel, service of excise warehouses and tax posts)

(068) 4464317
(licensing of sale of excisable products and fuel storage)

(068) 4464241
(excise tax administration)

(068) 4258488
(taxation of legal entities (administration and the VAT reimbursement)

(0432) 592334
(tax control over transfer pricing)

(0432) 592334
(tax control over international taxation)

(0432) 592334
(tax control over controlled foreign companies)


Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Volyn region

(0332) 777131
(0332) 777113
(068) 7787759
(066) 6284541
(registration and useof RRO/PRRO)

(066) 8851733
(Personal income tax, local taxes and levies, single contribution, electronic services)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Dnipropetrovsk region

(056) 3743110
(056) 3743187
(056) 3748637
(056) 3748642
(096) 8622863
(063) 3430195
(066) 5740778
(066) 5711682
(099) 4147712
(registration of RRO/PRRO)

(093) 7726847
(066) 5740733 
(093) 7412413
(068) 5591246
(066) 9699749
(063) 7947983
(099) 1806182
(096) 8761059
(answers to questions regarding declaration of income received by citizens and self-employed individuals)

(063) 3625488
(clarification of provisions of the Law of Ukraine № 3219-IX as of 30.06.2023  "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine regarding taxation peculiarities during the martial law")

(056) 3743101
(056) 3743107
(096) 1497402
(066) 4243514
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(056) 3743100
(068) 8901900
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(056) 3748692
(056) 3748693
(068) 0729110
(099) 0256832

(056) 3743109
(098) 2278766
(066) 9821913
(tax risks, registration suspension of tax invoice/adjustment calculation in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices")

(098) 2943371
(093) 7726847
(066) 5740733 
(093) 7412413
(068) 5591246
(066) 9699749
(063) 7947983
(093) 6983773
(099) 1806184
(093) 8379772
(096) 8761059
(Single social contribution, VAT, Military levy and matters related to taxation of individuals – regarding taxation individuals-entrepreneurs (rent payment by individuals, single tax, personal income tax, Military levy, environmental tax and VAT by individuals-entrepreneurs)

(063) 5879858
(Control and verification work of individuals, including individuals-entrepreneurs, individuals who carry out independent professional activities, control and verification work of legal entities on matters of single social contribution, personal income tax, military levy)

(098) 2943371
(093) 7726847
(066) 5740733 
(093) 7412413
(068) 5591246
(066) 9699749
(063) 7947983
(067) 2862505
(096) 8761059
(answers to questions regarding tax on immovable property other than land plot paid by individuals; land tax and rent for individuals; transport tax; tourist tax; parking levy paid by individuals; citizens’ declaration)

(099) 5099153
(State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers, registration of the VAT payers)

(096) 8622863
(accounting of payers)

(097) 7230638
(payment accounting)

(095) 5452977
(licensing and excise tax)

(099) 5101150
(tax debt repayment and issuance of certificate on the absence of debt)

(099) 0295776
(control and verification work of legal entities on compliance with requirements of currency legislation)

(066) 7210842
(control and verification work of legal entities during reorganization, termination, bankruptcy)

(066) 3790902
(067) 9580425
(audit work of legal entities)

(097) 0163556
(control work, actual audits)

(099) 2853360
(international taxation and transfer pricing)

Telephone numbers of "hotlines" for providing clarifications to taxpayers (individuals) on accrual and payment of the minimum tax liability (taking into account territorial communities) can be found at the following link:

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Donetsk region

(097) 5203594 
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO, application of currency legislation, control and verification work of legal entities)

(044) 5702277
(personal income tax, military levy, single contribution to obligatory state social insurance)

(044) 5702288
(declaration of personal income, tax deduction, land tax, transport tax, tax on real estate other than land plot, rent for individuals)

(044) 5702233
(single tax and general taxation system for individuals-entrepreneurs)

(098) 0142615
(tax risks, registration of tax invoices)

(098) 0142615
(tax risks, registration of tax invoices)

(050) 5789571
(VAT administration, VAT budget reimbursement, single tax for legal entities, corporate income tax administration, local corporate tax administration, rent and environmental tax administration, activities of non-profit organizations, transfer pricing, tax control over controlled foreign companies)

(044) 5700808
(registration and accounting of taxpayers, registration of VAT payers, registration of RRO/PRRO)

(044) 5700909
(State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers, issuance of taxpayer card and income certificate)

(097) 2585912
(tax reporting)

(095) 6125400
(payment accounting)

(099) 2493559
(licensing and excise tax)

(044) 5701122
(tax debt repayment and issuance of certificate on the absence of debt)

(096) 8978571
(provision of consultations regarding the minimum tax liability to the taxpayers)

(066) 4746491
(consultations for the taxpayers regarding qualified electronic signature)

Facebook messenger:




Main Directorate of the STS in Zhytomyr region

(free of charge)

(0412) 418538
(063) 1384646
(on issues of registration of RRO/PRRO)

(097) 7126239
(on issues of application of RRO/PRRO, accounting of inventories)

(0412) 413882
(097) 0011857
(093) 4213790
(suspension of registration of tax invoices/calculations of adjustments in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers, submission of the Taxpayer Data Table, compliance with the taxpayer's risk criteria)

(0412) 418086
(097) 7834876
(accounting of payments, settlements with the budget)

(097) 7798601
(providing administrative services, tax services, electronic office, submitting electronic reporting)

(0412) 413884
(obtaining the registration number of the taxpayer's account card and information on the sources/amounts of income)

(096) 6181070
(repayment of tax debt and issuance of a certificate of absence of debt)

(050) 5509589
(administration of individual entrepreneurs)

(067) 9664483
(single social contribution)

(0412) 418029
(transfer pricing)

Administration of legal entities

(0412) 418076
(other industries)

(068) 6615253
(processing industry)

(097) 3476990
(096) 1988925
(mining industry and agriculture, forestry)

(098) 3681877
(construction and other sectors of the economy)

(098) 3334844

(098) 3681877

(050) 4630345
(court case support)

(0412) 418078
(licensing of retail trade in alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and fuel)

(0412) 413887
(excise tax administration)

(0412) 418538
(control and verification work of legal entities)

(050) 5509589
(control and verification work of individuals)

(0412) 418225
(citizens' appeals, access to public information)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Trans-Carpathian region

(0312) 630048
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(093) 4865449
(tax risks registration of tax invoices)

(0312) 612131
(administration of the personal income tax, military levy, single tax and minimum tax liability for individuals, including formation of tax notifications-decisions regarding the minimum tax liability, other taxes and levies for citizens and individuals–entrepreneurs, single social contribution)

(0312) 630048
(tax services, electronic cabinet)

(0312) 613818
(calculation and payment of the excise tax)

(0312) 613865
(tax debt repayment and issuance of certificate on the absence of debt)

(093) 3316493
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies, income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(098) 2699049

(0312 )614230
(State Tax inspectorate in Uzhgorod city)
(administration of taxes and levies, tax debt repayment, RRO/PRRO, electronic cabinet)

(098) 0683908
(State Tax inspectorate in Mukachevo city)
(administration of taxes and levies, tax debt repayment, RRO/PRRO, electronic cabinet)

Facebook messenger:




Main Directorate of the STS in Zaporizhzhia region

(061) 2135266
(administrative services)

(061) 2135467
(electronic reporting)

(095) 6180120
(VAT payer register)

(099) 4818487
(061) 2135042
(registration of RRO and PRRO)

(061) 2190593
(tax audit)

(066) 1481045
(RRO and PRRO usage)

(097) 2549078
(061) 2190568
(061) 2190600
(061) 2124484
(061) 2124494
(tax debt)

(061) 2190529
(061) 2135079
(accounting of payments)

(061) 2246739
(excise tax)

(061) 2246740

(061) 7879368

(061) 2190554
(registration of tax invoices)

(061) 2190549
(transfer pricing and international taxation)

Taxation of individuals

(061) 7876743
(general questions regarding taxation of individuals)

(061) 2190558
(general questions regarding taxation of individuals)

Zaporizhia department of taxes and levies for individuals and the in-place audits: Oleksandrivskyi, Komunarskyi, Shevchenkivskyi, Voznesenivskyi, Dniprovskyi, Zavodskyi, Khortytskyi, Zaporizhia, Vilniauskyi districts in the following areas:

(061) 2124495
(061) 2124503
(single contribution/personal income tax)

(061) 2124493
(land/small and medium-sized enterprises)

(061) 2124478
(061) 2124482
(real estate taxation)

(061) 2124498
(061) 2124480
(061) 2124481
(taxation of individuals-entrepreneurs)

(061) 2124503
(taxation of citizens)

(061) 2124486
(tax discount)

(061) 2124468
(Berdyansk sector of taxes and levies for individuals and the in-place audits)

(061) 2124485
(Vasylivsk sector of taxes and levies for individuals and the in-place audits)

(061) 2124491
(Polohivskyi  sector of taxes and levies for individuals and the in-place audits)

(061) 2124472
(Melitopol sector of taxes and levies for individuals and the in-place audits)

Taxation of legal entities

(097) 3949599
(061) 2190519
(VAT administration for legal entities)

(068) 7315003
(061) 2190525
(corporate income tax, single tax of Groups III and IV for legal entities, part of net profit (income) of enterprises)

(061) 2190589
(administration of rent and environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(061) 2270662
(Taxpayer Service Center № 1 of Zaporizhzhia State Tax Inspectorate (Zaporizhzhya city, Peremohy st., 14)

(061) 2124506
(Taxpayer Service Center № 2 of the Zaporizhzhia State Tax Inspectorate (Zaporizhzhya, Dniprovska st., 34)

(06143) 42467
(Vilnyansk Taxpayer Service Center of Zaporizhzhia State Tax Inspectorate)

(06144) 91305
(Novomykolaiv Taxpayer Service Center of the Zaporizhzhia State Tax Inspectorate)

(061) 7876754
(Taxpayer Service Center of Berdyansk State Tax Inspectorate)

(061) 7876754
(Taxpayer Service Center of Vasylivska State Tax Inspectorate)

(061) 7876754
(Taxpayer Service Center of Polohivska State Tax Inspectorate)

(061) 7876754
(Taxpayer Service Center of Melitopol State Tax Inspectorate)

Месенджер Facebook:



Main Directorate of the STS in Ivano-Frankivsk region

(0342) 771868
(0342) 771886
(099) 6523208
(registration of RRO/PRRO and control in settlements sphere)

(0342) 771869
(0342) 771899
(073) 9331300
(tax debt repayment and debt to the budget, issuance of a certificate regarding absence of debt)

(0342) 771941
(0342) 779661
(administration of excise tax and licensing of excisable products)

(0342) 771886
(taxpayer registration, provision of administrative services, registration and accounting of taxpayers, acceptance of reporting)

(0342) 771880
(keeping records of taxes, levies, payments, single contribution and monitoring of accounting and reporting indicators)

Taxation of legal entities:

 (head of the of Legal entities taxation department)

(0342) 771876
(0342) 771885
(Department of analytical work)

(0342) 771940
(VAT refunding control department)

(0347) 522179
(0342) 771884
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in other industries)

(0342) 771924
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in wholesale and retail sale, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)

(0343) 324410
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in processing industry)

(0342) 771936
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in construction, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply)

(0342) 771878
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries)

(0347) 266601
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities, real estate transactions)

Taxation of individuals:

(0342) 771882
(097) 6792265
(unblocking of tax invoices, adjustment calculations and taxpayer risk)

(0342) 771882
(096) 5032823
(declaration of income received in 2024)

(0342) 771882
(096) 5032823
(calculation of the minimum tax liability for individuals)

(0342) 552476
(0342) 771877
(096) 5032823
(accrual of the real estate tax other than land plot and land tax for individuals)

(0342) 771882
(0342) 771904
(096) 5032823
(accrual of the personal income tax, military levy and single contribution)

(0342) 771891
(096) 5032823
(taxes and levies for individuals-entrepreneurs)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv region

(044) 2006032
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(096) 9861941
(for individuals regarding the minimum tax liability)

(073) 7962293
(documentary audits)

(044) 2733139
(excise tax, licensing)

(044) 2003774
(administration of individuals: VAT and single tax)

(044) 2003718
(administration of individuals: personal income tax, single social contribution, military levy)

(044) 2003797
(administration of individuals: real estate tax other than land, transport tax, land tax, tourist tax)

(096) 9861941
(citizens’ income declaration)

(044) 2003714
(095) 7383710
(administration of legal entities: environmental tax, resource payments, local taxes)

(044) 2003729
(tax debt, debt from the single contribution

(044) 2003712
(093) 0269426
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(044) 2003713
(068) 2193484

(096) 0921245
(information regarding registration suspension of tax invoices in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices)

(044) 2003791
(corruption prevention)

(050) 9758897
(court cases)

(044) 2003741
(electronic services)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Kirovohrad region

(0522) 366918
(063) 2985294
(use of RRO/PRRO)

(0522) 332114
(State Tax Inspectorate in Kropivnytsk)

(097) 0535384
(State Tax Inspectorate in Oleksandriysk)

(052) 2366966
(097) 5717679
(Administration of rent payment and environmental tax, local taxes and levies for legal entities)

(VAT administration)

(052) 2366960
(097) 5717679 
(Administration of income tax, non-profit institutions and organizations and simplified taxation system)

(052) 2366948
(097) 5717679
(Control over the VAT refunding)

(052) 2366937
(093) 1006425
(VAT administration, questions regarding registration suspension of tax invoices)

(052) 2366997
(052) 2366981
(control over excisable products)

(052) 2366922
(052) 2366929
(taxation of individuals)

Administration of the minimum tax liability for individuals

(05252) 22087
Golovanivskyi district

(0522) 366929
Kropyvnytskyi district

(05251) 21182
Novoukrainskyi district

(097) 0535384
Oleksandriyskyi district

(0522) 366922
Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Kirovohrad region

Facebook messenger:





Main Directorate of the STS in Luhansk region

(066) 7066916
(State Tax Inspectorate in Luhansk region)

(066) 7066916
(tax services, electronic cabinet, electronic reporting)

(050) 7695211
(payment accounting)

(099) 2032051
(administration of individuals: personal income tax, single tax, military levy, VAT, single tax, property taxes, income declaration by citizens)

(095) 7390802
(administration of legal entities: income tax, VAT, simplified taxation system for legal entities (single tax), property taxes, activities of non-profit organizations)

(063) 8254193
(excise tax administration and licensing)

(095) 4215934
(single contribution debt and tax debt of legal entities/individuals)

(093) 9435126
(tax audit, use of RRO/PRRO, liquidation)

(098) 6589608
(tax risks, registration of tax invoices)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Lviv region

(097) 9523002
(submission of tax reporting/registration/re-registration/cancellation of registration of RRO, PRRO, Accounting book of settlement operations)

(032) 2973309
(consultations regarding registration (registration cancellation) of PRRO)

(096) 3614378 
(032) 2973242
(actual audits, cash settlements)

(096) 3581648
(032) 2973383
(032) 2973373
(032) 2973344
(032) 2973359
(for individuals: tax on immovable property other than land plot, land tax, rent, transport tax, tourist tax; vehicle parking fee paid by individuals; citizens’ declaration, tax discount, administration of single social contribution, personal income tax, military levy, rent, single tax, environmental tax and VAT for individuals-entrepreneurs)

(063) 5956783
(032) 2973226
(032) 2973007
(VAT administration for legal entities)

(032) 2973496
(VAT refunding for legal entities)

(032) 2973135
(032) 2973255
(income tax administration)

(032) 2973104
(registration of single tax payers - legal entities)

(032) 2973089
(032) 2973024

(registration, exclusion, taxation of non-profit institutions and organizations)

(032) 2973423
(administration of rent payments and environmental tax for legal entities)

(032) 2973435
(administration of local taxes and levies for legal entities)

(032) 2973549
(032) 2973164

(taxpayers’ administration of the agricultural sector (general taxation system, single tax group IV)

(032) 2973265

(administration of the single tax for legal entities (group III)

(063) 4167424
(032) 2973076
(licensing of sales of excise products and fuel storage)

(032) 2973236
(licensing of retail sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, liquids used in electronic cigarettes)

(032) 2973079
(licensing of wholesale and retail fuel sale, fuel storage)

(032) 2973343
(032) 2973212
(excise tax administration)

(063) 7218952
(032) 2973377
(tax debt, tax lien, property seizure, tax debt repayment, installments (postponement) of monetary obligations (tax debt), issuance of certificate on the absence of debt)

(032) 2973357
(032) 2973445
(moderator of the Taxpayer Service Center of Lviv State Tax Inspectorate)

(097) 0631265
(maintenance of the State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers (tax payer identification numbers)

(032) 2973309
(consultations regarding registration (registration cancellation) of PRRO)

(032) 2973382
(provision administrative services)

(032) 2973476
(tax reporting)

(067) 1227252
(032) 2973425
(accounting of payments to budgets of all levels)

(096) 3614462
(032) 2973506
(conduction of documentary audits of legal entities)

(096) 3614378
(032) 2973242
(actual audits (cash settlements)

(050) 0434673
(032) 2973505
(provision of electronic trust services)

(032) 2973116
(032) 2973316
(registration of tax invoices/adjustment calculation in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices for legal entities)

(098) 5899050
(submission of the taxpayer data table)

(032) 2973234
(032) 2973411
(tax risks)

(032) 2973145
(transfer pricing)

(032) 2973071
(income taxation of non-residents)

Facebook messenger:




Main Directorate of the STS in Mykolaiv region

(0512) 501863
(registration of RRO/PRRO)

(0512) 471050
(use of RRO/PRRO)

(0512) 501917
(VAT refunding)

(0512) 501894
(VAT administration)

(0512) 501805
(corporate income tax administration)

(0512) 501817
(administration of local taxes)

(0512) 501922
(administration of the environmental tax and rent)

(0512) 501905
(administration of the single tax Group IV)

(0512) 647421
(administration of the single tax Group III)

(0512) 501836
(0512) 501834
(administration of the excise tax (in-place audits of the excise tax payers)

(0512) 501862
(0512) 501825
(issuance of licenses for sale of excisable products and fuel storage)

(0512) 501847
(actual audits of payers of fuel production and circulation spheres)

(0512) 501847
(0512) 501836
(actual audits of taxpayers of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol spheres, alcohol-containing products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, liquids used in the electronic cigarettes)

(0512) 501807
(0512) 501902
(personal income tax, military levy, single tax, rent, environmental tax, VAT, single contribution, local taxes and levies (fee for parking spaces, tourist tax), minimum tax liability)

(0512) 501921
(0512) 370465
(tax on vehicles of individuals, tax on real estate other than land plot, land tax)

(0512) 501852
(Organization of keeping records of taxpayers, single contribution payers and keeping records of taxation objects (application form №20-OPP), registration of the VAT payers (application form №1-VAT)

(0512) 501863
(organization of work on the acceptance and computer processing of tax and other reporting)

(0512) 501914
(issuance of registration number of the taxpayer's account card to foreigners and other stateless persons)

(0512) 379014
(provision of electronic digital signature)

(0512) 501866
(other tax services)

(0512) 501904
(transfer pricing)

(0512) 501822
(controlled foreign companies and international taxation)

Facebook messenger:




Main Directorate of the STS in Odesa region

(048) 7072870
(048) 7072807
(Department of documentation organization and work with documents)

(048) 7072914
(Department of citizens' appeals consideration and access to public information)

Legal entities taxation department

(048) 7072895
(Analytical department)

(048) 7072960
(VAT refund control department)

(048) 7072896
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities of other industries)

(048) 7072961
(048) 7072820
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities of the wholesale and retail sale, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)

(048) 7072890
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities of industry and construction industries)

(048) 4233706
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in education, healthcare and recreation)

(048) 7072945
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in financial, insurance and public administration)

(048) 4125468
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, household activities)

(048) 6895708
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities)

(048) 6242227
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the real estate, information and telecommunications sectors)

Tax Audit Department

(048) 7011001
(048) 7072935
(094) 9534001
(Actual audit department)

Department for prevention of financial transactions related to the legalization of proceeds from crime

(048) 7072996
(Analytical work and coordination department)

(048) 7072925
(Audit department of questionable financial transactions, interaction with the law enforcement agencies and financial sector)

Excisable product control department

(048) 7056152
(Control department over production and circulation of alcohol, alcohol-containing products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and liquids used in electronic cigarettes)

(048) 7056153
(Control department over production and circulation of fuel)

(048) 7056154
(Licensing department of excisable product sale and fuel storage)

(048) 7056155
(Excise tax administration department)

(048) 7056150
(Control department over circulation of the excise tax stamps)

Tax Services Department

(048) 7072932
(048) 7072935
(048) 7072936
(Accounting department of taxpayers and taxation objects, maintaining registers and registration of certain types of taxes, considering appeals from state authorities)

(048) 7072922
(048) 7072847
(Department of maintaining State register of individuals – taxpayers)

(048) 7072923
(048) 7072828
(Tax services department)

(048) 7072908
(048) 7072995
(Department of organizing work of the Taxpayer Service Center and providing administrative services)

(048) 7056384
(Odesa department of tax services)

(048) 4125474
(Southern tax services department)

(048) 6242220
(048) 6895601
(Northern tax services department)

Tax debt management department

(048) 7072911
(Monitoring, information and analytical support department)

(048) 7072981
(Department for organizing debt collection and work with ownerless property)

(048) 7072910
(Department of debt repayment for individuals and debts from the single social contribution)

(048) 7072966
(Support department of legal disputes on bankruptcy and debt collection)

Central department for work with tax debt

(048) 7528066
(048) 7528067
(048) 7528068
(Kyiv and Prymorskyi districts of Odesa city)

(048) 7056375
(048) 7056374
(048) 7056371
(048) 7056639
(Khadzhibeyskyi and Peresypskyi districts of Odesa city)

Southern department for work with tax debt

(048) 4125471
(Izmail, Izmailskyi, Kiliyskyi, Reniyskyi, Saratskyi, Tarutynskyi and Tatarbunarskyi districts)

(048) 4644718
(Artsyzskyi, Bolgradskyi districts)

Prychornomorskyi department for work with tax debt

(048) 6895600
(096) 1285143
(Chornomorsk, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district, Ovidiopolskyi district)

(048) 4963335
(Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi city)

(048) 5226624
(Bilyaivskyi district, Teplodar city)

Northern department for work with tax debt

(048) 7072911
(066) 8286261
(Podilsk city, Ananiivskyi, Velykomykhailivskyi, Podilskyi, Oknyanskyi, Rozdilnyanskyi, Savranskyi, Zakharivskyi and Shiryaivskyi districts, Baltskyi and Kodymskyi districts, Berezivskyi district and Ivanivskyi district)

(048) 6433711
(Lyubashivskyi and Mykolaivskyi districts)

(048) 5596205
(Lymanskyi district and Pivdenne city)

Tax risk identification and processing department

(050) 5195002
(048) 7072846
(048) 7072948
(048) 7072978
(Risk management, operations and risk monitoring department)

User Registration Department

(048) 7056174
(Odesa, Lanzheronivska St.,15)

(048) 7531365
(Odesa, Borys Derevyanka Square, 1)

(048) 4215296
(Izmail, Kishinivska St., 3)

Transfer pricing department

(048) 7072962
(Controlled transactions department)

(048) 7072941
(International activity control department)

Personal taxation department

(048) 7531174
(Personal tax and levy administration department)

(048) 7528063
(Property tax and local levy administration department and Consideration of taxpayers' appeals department)

(048) 7531174
(048) 7531371
(Single contribution administration department)

(048) 7831183
(Scheduled audits of individual’s taxation, coordination, information and analytical support department)

(048) 7063654
(Department of unscheduled tax audits of individuals)

(063) 6500152
(Tax agent audit department)

(048) 7056178
(048) 7056177
(048) 7056182
(048) 7056184
(048) 7056183
(048) 7056189
(048) 7531368
(048) 7531366
(048) 7531367
(048) 7531369
(048) 7051688
(Odesa department of taxes and levies for individuals and conduction of in-place audits)

(048) 4125466
(048) 4125463
(048) 4125467
(048) 4125461
(048) 4125464
(048) 4125465
(048) 4125475
(048) 4125462
(048) 4125476
(048) 4536711
(048) 4644706
(Southern department of taxes and levies for individuals and conduction of in-place audits)

(048) 6895710
(048) 6895709
(048) 5226620
(048) 5226625
(048) 4963310
(Prychornomorskyi department of taxes and levies for individuals and conduction of in-place audits)

(048) 5596225
(048) 5691702
(048) 5349204
(Central department of taxes and levies for individuals and conduction of in-place audits)

(048) 6242225
(048) 6242224
(048) 6242237
(048) 6242246
(Podilskyi department taxes and levies for individuals and conduction of in-place audits)

Odesa state tax inspectorate

(048) 7056028
(048) 7056194
(Prymorskyi taxpayer service department, Odessa, Pivdenna St., 1)

(048) 7529637
(048) 7531364
(Kyiv taxpayer service department, Odessa, Knyazya Yaroslava Mudryho Ave., 17/2)

(048) 7528061
(048) 7529669
(Khadzhibeyskyi taxpayer service department, Odessa, Borys Derevyanko Sq., 1)

(048) 7529666
(048) 7529667
(Peresypsky taxpayer service department, Odesa, Ak. Zabolotnogo Str., 38a)

(04868) 95606
(04868) 95707
(Chornomorsky taxpayer service department, Chornomorsk city, Shevchenko Str., 3)

(04852) 26606
(04852) 26626
(Bilyaivka taxpayer service department, Bilyaivka city, Kostina Str., 3-A)

(04855) 96227
(04855) 96207
(Dobroslavsky taxpayer service department, Dobroslav village, Svobody ave., 7)

Berezivska state tax inspectorate

(04856) 91706
(04856) 91707

Bilhorod-Dniester State Tax Inspectorate

(04849) 63374
(04849) 63373

Bolhrad state tax inspectorate

(04846) 44707
(04846) 44705

Artsyz taxpayer service sector of Bolhrad state tax inspectorate

(04845) 36706
(04845) 36710

Izmail state tax inspectorate

(04841) 25295
(04841) 25294

Podilska State tax inspectorate

(04862) 42221
(04862) 42222

Lyubashivsk taxpayer service sector of Podilska state tax inspectorate

(04864) 33710
(04864) 33707

Rozdilnyanska state tax inspectorate

(04853) 49205
(04853) 49206

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Poltava region

For participants of project "Territory of high tax trust level":

(098) 8902171
(participants’ general questions regarding project "Territory of high tax trust level" (criteria for inclusion in the List, verification of own indicators, industry analysis)

(066) 9156936
(organization of compliance managers)

Hotline numbers by direction:

(050) 5795828
(0532) 503517
(use of RRO/PRRO, actual audits)

(095) 8325043
(0532) 503526
(registration / registration suspension of tax invoices)

(066) 9156936
(0532) 503504
(administration of legal entities (value added tax)

(0532) 503531
(administration of individuals (citizens and persons involved in independent professional activities) personal income tax, minimum tax liability, military levy, declaration of citizens’ income)

(0532) 503510
(066) 9094982
(administration of taxes and levies for individuals-entrepreneurs (single tax, military levy, VAT)

(098) 8900412
(0532) 503516
(calculation and payment of property tax and local levies for individuals (land tax, real estate tax, tourist tax, transport tax)

(0532) 503511
(administration of single contribution for individuals)

(066) 7211994
(0532) 594413
(0532) 633235
(tax debt repayment and arrears to the budget, issuance of certificate on the absence of arrears)

(066) 7211994
(0532) 503532
(Electronic cabinet, electronic services, registration of taxpayers (including consultations regarding the VAT registration)

(0532) 503535
(registration of RRO/PRRO)

(066) 7211994
(0532) 503530
(registration of taxpayers (citizens) in the State Register of Individuals)

(0532) 630146
(fuel licenses (issuance, re-issuance, cancellation, issuance of duplicate licenses)

(0532) 632463
(licenses for alcohol, tobacco (issuance, re-issuance, cancellation, payment of the next payment, registration of duplicate licenses)

(0532) 503505
(administration of legal entities (single tax, income tax, activities of non-profit organizations)

(0532) 503518
(resource and rental payments, environmental tax (legal entities)

(0532) 503507
(land tax, real estate tax (legal entities)

(066) 9156945
(0532) 630141
(payment accounting, budget settlements)

(0532) 593543
(transfer pricing)

(0532) 630443
(international activities)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Rivne region


(0362) 692622
(0362) 692628
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(0362) 692581
(Tax audit department)

(0362) 692602
(0362) 692531
(administration of rent payments, environmental and property taxes)

(0362) 650907
(excise tax administration)

(0362) 646331

(0362) 692533
(050) 1720533
(VAT administration legal entities)

(0362) 692528
(VAT administration individuals)

(0362) 692537
(administration of the corporate income tax and single tax for legal entities)

(0362) 692628
(accounting of taxpayers, software RRO)

(0362) 692565
(tax reporting and work of electronic services)

(0362) 643247
(0362) 643124
(0362) 643156
(department for work with tax debt)

(0362) 692563
(0362) 692557
(administration of taxes for individuals)

(0362) 692542
(administration of taxes on property for individuals)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Sumy region

(0542) 685235
(0542) 685036
(0542) 701775
(068) 5642216
(RRO/PRRO registration and use)

(0542) 685106
(income tax, part of the net profit, single tax)

(0542) 685131
(value added tax)

(0542) 685276
(local taxes and levies)

(095) 2437841
(general questions regarding administration of taxes and levies for legal entities)

(0542) 701749
(administration of taxes and levies for individuals and single contribution, consideration of taxpayers' applications)

(0542) 701716
(citizens’ income declaration and minimum tax liability)

(0542) 701739
(property tax and local levies for individuals)

(0542) 685297
(0542) 685185
(0542) 685070
(095) 0459877
(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculation in the Unified register of tax invoices (trade, transport and vehicle maintenance services, rental services, marketing services, production and others)

(0542) 685131
(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculation in the Unified register of tax invoices (agriculture)

(099) 5012699
(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculation in the Unified register of tax invoices (construction and production)

(096) 6791368
(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculation in the Unified register of tax invoices (individuals-entrepreneurs of all types of economic activity)

(0542) 701775
(Electronic services of the State Tax Service)

(0542) 701766
(obtaining registration number of the taxpayer's registration card, making changes and obtaining income certificate)

(0542) 701702
(licensing, accounting and control)

(0542) 701713
(legal entities, provision of certificates on the absence of debt)

(0542) 701725
(individuals, debt from the single social contribution)

(0542) 701795
(electronic trust services)

(0542) 685042
(transfer pricing)

(0542) 685123
(0542) 685223
(consultations regarding budget accounts for transferring taxes, levies, payments and single contribution)

(0542) 685174
(corruption prevention)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Ternopil region

(0352) 434632
(0352) 434642
(0352) 434643
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(0352) 434642
(electronic services and provision of administrative services) 

(0352) 434626
(administration of taxes and levies for individuals)

(0352) 434623

(0352) 434620
(098) 3653259
(income tax)

(0352) 434647
(rent, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0352) 434629
(0352) 434606
(098) 4238326
(registration suspension of tax invoices or adjustment calculations in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices)

(0352) 430369
(excise tax)

(0352) 434636

(0352) 434635
(tax debt, debt from the single social contribution)

(0352) 434632
(control and verification work, actual audits, RRO/PRRO, currency legislation)

(0352) 434627
(0352) 434628
(regarding account requisites and tax payment)

(0352) 434619
(prevention of corruption)

(0352) 235361
(provision of services for free issuance of strengthened certificates of public keys of electronic digital signature for legal entities, individuals-entrepreneurs and citizens)

(0352) 434616
(court cases)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Kharkiv region

(057) 7028717
(057) 7028602
(057) 7028627
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(050) 2675146
(payment of taxes by individuals-entrepreneurs)

(068) 3606796
(Single social contribution: payment of contribution and submission of reports)

(093) 4409491
(citizens’ property taxes)

(057) 7028660
(conduction of audits regarding termination (liquidation) of entrepreneurial activity)

(097) 1085374

(057) 7028618
(excise tax declaration)

(097) 1085374
(service of excise warehouses and tax posts)

(050) 9327978
(excise tax marks’ circulation control)

(057) 7028623
(control over production and turnover of alcohol, alcohol-containing products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and liquids used in electronic cigarettes)

(057) 7028623
(control over fuel production)

(057) 7028530
(registration of taxpayers)

(095) 3112360
(057) 7028709
(Electronic cabinet, tax services, regarding electronic keys of the Qualified Provider of Electronic Trust Services of the State Tax Service of Ukraine)

(057) 7028532
(057) 7028579
(accounting of payments, settlements with the budget)

(057) 7028554
(Actual audit department)

Regarding tax debt:

(095) 0811056
(066) 603 99 79 (Single social contribution)
(Western department for work with tax debt)

(095) 0811056
(Kupyansk department for work with tax debt)

(05745) 51212
(Loziv department for work with tax debt)

(099) 3548939
(05746) 22242
(Chuguyiv department for work with tax debt)

(099) 5485981
(057) 7028750
(Central department for work with tax debt)

(0572) 941441
(Kyiv department for work with tax debt)

(097) 7217680
(057) 3932004
(Eastern department for work with tax debt)

(095) 2116638

(097) 4532538
(050) 6196543
(administration of rent, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(057) 7028577
(057) 7028640
(057) 7028665
(regarding registration suspension of tax invoices)

Corporate income tax, single tax for legal entities, activities of non-profit organizations:

(097) 9185117
(Bohodukhiv district)

(050) 9117118
(Krasnograd district)

(095) 2228632
(Loziv district)

(0572) 931018
(Kharkiv district)

(050) 1006468
(096) 9387175
(Chuguyiv district)

(050) 6992683
(057) 7022091
(Central district)

(050) 6056586
(095) 4639257
(Kyiv district)

(057) 2947759
(057) 3931469
(057) 3931426
(Eastern district)

(057) 7028632
(095) 8781614
(income tax, simplified taxation system for legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

Taxpayer service centers of the State Tax Inspections of Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Kharkiv region:

(057) 4920941
(057) 4920930
(Balakliyska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5742357
(Barvinkivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5833317
(Bohoduhivska State Tax Inspection)

(066) 8992132
(050) 0213048
(Borivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5351372
(057) 5351341
(Valkivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5253994
(Velikoburlutska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 6328009
(057) 6328053
(Dergachivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 6151245
(Zachepylivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4731476
(Zmiivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 6328009
(Zolochivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4358024
(Izyumska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 2940991
(Industrialna State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5531858
(Kehichevska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 7253750
(057) 7253751
(057) 7253752
(057) 7253396
(057) 7253370
(Kyivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4471362
(Krasnohradska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 5632356
(Krasnokutska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 7028701
(Kupyanska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4551207
(Lozivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 7411171
(Lyubotynska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4042387
(Novovodolazka State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4834093
(Pervomayska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 6232654
(Sakhnovska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 3930860
(057) 3931936
(Kharkiv State Tax Inspection)

(057) 3701142   
(Kholodnohirska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 4622242
(Chuguyivska State Tax Inspection)

(057) 7020064
(057) 7021996
(Shevchenkivska State Tax Inspection)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Kherson region, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol city

(095) 3228412
(098) 4467084
(050) 2786385
(RRO/PRRO usage)

(095) 3228412
(050) 2786385
(098) 4467084
(declaration of income received by citizens and self-employed individuals)

(095) 6616877
(accounting of taxpayers, maintaining registers and registration for certain types of taxes)

(050) 6886145
(maintaining of the State register of individuals – taxpayers (registration, making changes, obtaining the  taxpayer’s card and income information)

(097) 9523864
(collection of property taxes from citizens (land tax, transport tax, real estate tax)

(066) 9437935
(066) 9769246
(conduction of unscheduled documentary audits in connection with liquidation and reorganization of enterprises)

(095) 3228412
(050) 2786385
(098) 4467084
(obtaining tax number and certificate of citizens’ income)

(099) 7639768
(accounting for payments)

(099) 1442510
(tax debt repayment of individuals and legal entities)

(099) 1564789
(regarding repayment of debts from the single contribution)

(093) 6263943
(050) 6543240
(regarding licensing the excisable product sale and fuel storage)

(099) 2469295
(050) 0743150
(regarding the excise tax administration)

(099) 2519857
(regarding registration of citizens’ appeals and access to public information)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Khmelnytkyi region

(0382) 701839
(0382) 701818
(0382) 701852
(097) 6636529
(on issues of registration and cancellation of RRO/PRRO)

(0382) 618454
(on issues of application of RRO/PRRO)

(097) 9097255
(0382) 701770
(on issues of assistance to businesses in installing the software "Software registrar of settlement operations of PRRO DTS" (ANDROID, iOS, WINDOWS, WEB-version)

(0382) 701882
(0382) 701840
(on issues of registration and accounting of payers)

(0382) 701852
(on issues of registration of individuals - taxpayers, formation and maintenance of the State Register of Individuals - Taxpayers; registration of VAT payers)

(0382) 701839
(on issues of formation and submission of tax reports)

(0382) 701823
(0382) 701883
(097) 0810547
(on issues of declaration, taxation of individuals)

(096) 8398792
(on issues of administration of the Personal Income Tax and the Single Tax for Individuals)

(097) 2321798
(097) 0810547
(0382) 701880
(on issues of calculation and payment of minimum tax liability)

(096) 8399048
(0382) 701834
(0382) 701890
(on issues of control and inspection work of individuals)

(098) 3038734
(0382) 701881
(0382) 701858
(0382) 701823
(on issues of administration of property tax and local fees for individuals)

(097) 2321798
(0382) 701880
(on issues of administration of personal income tax and single contribution)

(0382) 701838
(093) 0403123
(on issues of administration of rent payment of environmental tax local taxes and fees (legal entities)

(0382) 701830
(093) 0403123
(on matters of income tax, simplified system of taxation of legal entities (single tax) activities of non-profit organizations)

(0382) 701822
(093) 0403123
(on matters of value added tax (VAT)

(093) 0403072
(0382) 701845
(0382) 701848
(regarding registration of blocking of tax invoices and VAT payer data tables)

(0382) 618457
(0382) 701827
(regarding filling out an application for the return of erroneously and/or excessively paid monetary obligations and penalties from the budget, obtaining statements on the status of the payer's settlements with the budget and payment of a single contribution)

(0382) 701737
(regarding the details of accounts opened by the State Tax Service)

(0382) 618460
(for tax debt repayment, administrative services (certificates of no debt)

(068) 0141855
(0382) 618476
(for bankruptcy litigation and debt collection)

(0382) 701870
(for single social contribution debt repayment)

(0382) 764826
(for inspection and verification work, licensing)

(0382) 764177
(for licensing)

(0382) 765343
(for excise tax administration)

(0382) 701818
(tax services, electronic office)

(0382) 701869
(for transfer pricing and international taxation)

(0382) 701819
(for identification, analysis and verification of financial transactions that may be related to the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime)

(03849) 50718
(03849) 39496
(Kamyanetsy-Podilskyi State Tax Inspectorate)

(0382) 701700
(0382) 701752
(Khmelnytskyi State Tax Inspectorate)

(097) 5759365
(03840) 40765
(03840) 40827
(Shepetivka State Tax Inspectorate)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Cherkasy region

(0472) 339127
(0472) 339131
(0472) 339145
(0472) 378059
(093) 0001003
(063) 5913309
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(0472) 339117
(administration of individuals)

(0472) 350262
(administration of individuals)

(063) 6067862
(administration of individuals)

(0472) 339162

(067) 5375764

(0472) 339161
(income tax)

(093) 3148640
(income tax)

(0472) 339164
(excise tax)

(0472) 339185

(097) 9802240

(0472) 339197
(063) 5259527
(registration/suspension of tax invoice/adjustment calculation)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Chernivtsi region

(0372) 545856
(0372) 542137
(0372) 545629
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(0372) 545648
(0372) 545629
(099) 0012322
(electronic services management)

(0372) 542755
(0372) 545660
(0372) 545647
(0372) 546015
(Legal Entities Taxation Department)

(0372) 545608
(0372) 545601
(095) 6587292
(Individual Taxation Department)

(050) 0709472
(050) 6656932
(0372) 512656
(Excisable Product Control Department)

(095) 6587292
(Taxpayer Service Center of State Tax Inspectorate in Chernivtsi: reporting on the provision of administrative services)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Chernihiv region

(0462) 652992
(regarding control over settlement transactions made by taxpayers, conduction of cash transactions)

(regarding conduction of documentary audits)

(0462) 652842
(excise tax administration)

(0462) 652845
(licensing of operations with excisable products)

(0462) 652978

(single tax for individuals, personal income tax)

(0462) 652998

(property taxes for individuals)

(050) 0753741

(Chernihiv State Tax Inspectorate: real estate tax for individuals)

(093) 7840168

(Chernihiv State Tax Inspectorate: minimum tax liability, land tax for individuals)


(0462) 652979
(payment of single contribution)

(0462) 652960
(096) 2668091
(registration/registration refusal of tax invoices/adjustment calculations, taxpayer compliance/non-compliance with the risk criteria, inclusion/non-inclusion of data tables)

(0462) 652962
(registration/registration refusal of tax invoices/adjustment calculations, inclusion/non-inclusion of data tables)

(0462) 652963
(taxpayer compliance/non-compliance with the risk criteria)

(0462) 652918
(0462) 652938
(0462) 652933
(tax debt, debt from the single contribution)

(0462) 652324
(093) 5091311

(0462) 652389
(administration of rent, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0462) 652332
(income tax, simplified taxation system for legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0462) 668522
(corruption prevention)

(0462) 652969
(regarding court cases)

(0462) 652313
(consultations on account requisites and tax payment)

(050) 6275896
(consultations on accounting of taxpayers and submission of reports in the electronic form)

(099) 2524341
(consultations on registration, re-registration and registration cancellation of registrars of settlement operations (RRO) and software registrars of settlement operations (PRRO); consultations on State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers)

(0462) 652380
(regarding transfer pricing)

Facebook messenger:



Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv city

(044) 5206103
(044) 5206013
(044) 5206504
(044) 5206265
(044) 4547026
(044) 5206266
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(099) 0112615

(payer’s compliance/non-compliance with risk criteria)

(067) 1112615

(registration/registration refusal of tax invoices/adjustment calculations and acceptance/non-acceptance of the table data)

(044) 4546635
(044) 4546736
(044) 4546670

(administration of the personal income tax and military levy for citizens)

(044) 4546688
(044) 4546680
(044) 4546691
(044) 4546677

(administration of the personal income tax and military levy, TAX AGENTS - LEGAL ENTITIES)

(068) 1108654
(044) 4546630
(044) 4546808
(self-employed tax administration)

(044) 4546706
(044) 4546708
(044) 4546707
(044) 4546710
(044) 4546703
(044) 4546643
(administration of tax discount)

(044) 4546794
(096) 3452403
(VAT administration for individuals)

(044) 4546800
(044) 4546730
(044) 4546742
(administration of single contribution for individuals)

(068) 1108706
(administration of single contribution for legal entities)

(044) 4546649, if the payer's registration place is Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv city

(044) 4546701, if the payer's registration place is Darnytskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546678, if the payer's registration place is Desnyanskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546659, if the payer's registration place is Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546740, if the payer's registration place is Obolonskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546633, if the payer's registration place is Pecherskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546661, if the payer's registration place is Podilskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546637, if the payer's registration place is Svyatoshynskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546642, if the payer's registration place is Solomyanskyi district of Kyiv city
(044) 4546631, if the payer's registration place is Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv city
(administration of the real estate tax other than land plot for individuals)

(044) 4546641
(administration of the transport tax for individuals)

(044) 4546665
(044) 4546648
(044) 4546720
(044) 4546729
(044) 4546732
(044) 4546653
(administration of the land tax for individuals)

(044) 4546720
(044) 4546697
(044) 4546654
(044) 4546675
(044) 4546655
(administration of the single tax for individuals) 

(044) 4547118
(submission of tax reporting)

(044) 5206245
(044) 5206227
(044) 5206242
(044) 5206255
(regarding accounts for payment transfers)

(044) 4823468
(044) 4823484
(044) 4823491
(submission of the VAT reporting, payment/non-payment of the VAT by legal entities)

(044) 4822955
(044) 4823479
(submission of the income tax reporting, payment/non-payment of income tax by legal entities)

(044) 4821620
(reporting of payment/non-payment of the local taxes by legal entities)

(044) 4821513
(licensing of excisable products)

(044) 4823485
(labeling of excisable products)

(044) 4862444
(excise tax administration)

(044) 5206148
(044) 5206122
(044) 5206181
(044) 5206116
(044) 5206137
(debt of legal entities)

(044) 5206134
(044) 5206109
(debt of individuals)

(044) 5206121
(044) 5206183
(044) 5206123
(single contribution debt)

(099) 7029209
(044) 4546745
(044) 4546836
(termination of activity of individuals-entrepreneurs)

(044) 4546696
(044) 4546698
(consultations regarding the minimum tax liability for individuals)

(044) 4821521
(consultations regarding the minimum tax liability for legal entities)

Facebook messenger:



Central Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(044) 5206041
(044) 5206027
(093) 0627215
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(093) 2045411
(044) 4540924
(Department of tax administration of enterprises, production sector enterprises)

(096) 6209371
(Department of tax administration of non-production enterprises)

(067) 5032340
(044) 4540935
(Department of tax administration of financial institutions and enterprises of other industries)

(044) 4540926
(Department of tax administration of enterprises in the wholesale, retail sale and fuel circulation)

(044) 4540905
(regarding registration suspension of tax invoice/ adjustment calculation in the Unified register of tax invoices)

Facebook messenger:



Eastern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(056) 7203031
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(056) 7781878
(066) 3149008
(096) 3678238
(096) 5233218
(067) 5649280
(050) 5868694
(050) 8272237
(about all taxes)

Facebook messenger:



Western Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(032) 2973594
(098) 4449104
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(032) 2973151
(032) 2973417
(032) 2973602
(about all taxes)

Facebook messenger:



Southern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(048) 7702314
(048) 7701622
(099) 5127060
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO) 

(048) 7701641
(enterprises of Agro Industrial Complex)

(048) 7702034
(048) 7702015
(enterprises of production and non-production spheres)

(067) 7087084
(enterprises of the Mykolaiv department)

(093) 8141828
(048) 7702324 

(registration suspension of tax invoices/adjustment calculations in the Unified Register of Tax invoices)

Facebook messenger:



Northern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(057) 7770645
(068) 0760512
(095) 6666511
(registration and use of RRO/PRRO)

(050) 3010962
(050) 1506837
(about all taxes)

Facebook messenger:
