1. | Main Directorate of the STS in Vinnytsia region | (0432) 592328 (0432) 592327 (0432) 592341 |
2. | Main Directorate of the STS in Volyn region | (0332) 777119 (0332) 778492 (0332) 777179 |
3. | Main Directorate of the STS in Dnipropetrovsk region | (056) 3743101 (056) 3743100 (056) 3748692 |
4. | Main Directorate of the STS in Donetsk region | (050) 5789571 |
5. | Main Directorate of the STS in Zhytomyr region | (0412) 418076 (0412) 413889 |
6. | Main Directorate of the STS in Trans-Carpathian region | (093) 3316493 (098) 2699049 |
7. | Main Directorate of the STS in Zaporizhzhia region | (0612) 190533 (0612) 190525 (0612) 190519 |
8. | Main Directorate of the STS in Ivano-Frankivsk reg | (0342) 771868 (0342) 771869 (0342) 771941 (0342) 771886 (0342) 771880 Taxation of legal entities: (head of the of Legal entities taxation department) (0342) 771876 (0342) 771940 (0347) 522179 (0342) 771924 (0343) 324410 (0342) 771936 (0342) 771878 (0347) 266601 Taxation of individuals: (0342) 771882 (0342) 771882 (0342) 771882 (0342) 552476 (0342) 771882 (0342) 771891 |
9. | Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv region | (044) 2003713 (044) 2003712 (044) 2003714 |
10. | Main Directorate of the STS in Kirovohrad region | (0522) 366966 (0522) 366907 (0522) 366960 (0522) 366948 |
11. | Main Directorate of the STS in Luhansk region | (095) 7390802 |
12. | Main Directorate of the STS in Lviv region | (063) 5956783 (032) 2973496 (032) 2973135 (032) 2973104 (032) 2973089 (032) 2973423 (032) 2973435 (032) 2973549 (taxpayers’ administration of the agricultural sector (general taxation system, single tax group IV) (032) 2973265 |
13. | Main Directorate of the STS in Mykolaiv region | (0512) 501817 (0512) 501894 (0512) 501805 (0512) 501917 |
14. | Main Directorate of the STS in Odesa region | (048) 7072960 (048) 7072896 (048) 7072961 (048) 7072890 (048) 4233706 (048) 7072945 (048) 4125468 (048) 6895708 (048) 6242227 |
15. | Main Directorate of the STS in Poltava region (also for payers of Kherson region, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city) | (0532) 502773 (0532) 503505 (0532) 503505 (0532) 502773 (0532) 503507 (0532) 503518 |
16. | Main Directorate of the STS in Rivne region
| (0362) 692602 (0362) 692537 (0362) 692533 |
17. | Main Directorate of the STS in Sumy region | (0542) 685106 (0542) 685131 (0542) 685276 (095) 2437841 |
18. | Main Directorate of the STS in Ternopil region | (0352) 434623 (0352) 434620 (0352) 434647 (098) 3653259 |
19. | Main Directorate of the STS in Kharkiv region | (057) 7028595 (057) 7028573 (057) 7028632 (057) 4472888 Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the other types of wholesale and retail sale: (057) 7028614 (057) 7028548 (057) 4328152 (057) 7028780 (05758) 30139 Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the administrative and support services: (05743) 28152 (05749) 20418 (057) 3931207 Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the information and telecommunications: (05744) 72888 (05744) 72133 (057) 7028624 (05745) 70099 Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries: (05763) 28109 (057) 2931018 Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the wholesale trade sector: (057) 7020277 (050) 6992683 Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the construction sector: (057) 7028584 (057) 702 8580 (057) 3931469 Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in other industries: (05746) 23284 (05747) 31201 (05749) 20930 (05743) 28152 |
20. | Main Directorate of the STS in Khmelnytkyi region | (0382) 701838 (0382) 701830 (0382) 701822 |
21. | Main Directorate of the STS in Cherkasy region | (0472) 339163 (0472) 339162 (0472) 339161 |
22. | Main Directorate of the STS in Chernivtsi region | (0372) 542755 (0372) 546010 (0372) 545638 (0372) 545658 (0372) 546015 (0372) 545647 (03736) 23746 (03730) 22499 (03739) 22133 (0372) 545619 |
23. | Main Directorate of the STS in Chernihiv region | (0462) 652324 (0462) 652332 (0462) 652394 (0462) 652385 (0462) 652343 (0462) 652394 |
24. | Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv city | (044) 4823461 (044) 4823479 (044) 4823498 |
25. | Central Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers | (093) 2045411 (096) 6209371 (067) 5032340 (044) 4540926 (044) 4540905 |
26. | Eastern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers | (050) 5521597 |
27. | Western Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers | (032) 2973075 (032) 2973608 |
28. | Southern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers | (048) 7701641 (048) 7702034 (067) 7087084 |
29. | Northern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers | (057) 7770832 |