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List of “hotlines” of territorial bodies of the State Tax Service on taxation of legal entities




Main Directorate of the STS in Vinnytsia region

(0432) 592328
(0432) 556717
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0432) 592327
(068) 4258488
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0432) 592341
(068) 4258488


Main Directorate of the STS in Volyn region

(0332) 777119
(093) 8120630
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0332) 778492
(093) 8120630
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0332) 777179
(093) 8120630


Main Directorate of the STS in Dnipropetrovsk region

(056) 3743101
(056) 3743107
(096) 3542716
(066) 4243514
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(056) 3743100
(068) 8901900
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(056) 3748692
(056) 3748693
(068) 0729110
(095) 2038357


Main Directorate of the STS in Donetsk region

(050) 5789571
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies, income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations, VAT)


Main Directorate of the STS in Zhytomyr region

(0412) 418076
(097) 3650339
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0412) 413889
(098) 3681877
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations, value added tax)


Main Directorate of the STS in Trans-Carpathian region

(093) 3316493
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies, income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(098) 2699049


Main Directorate of the STS in Zaporizhzhia region

(0612) 190533
(097) 2824982
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0612) 190525
(068) 7315003
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0612) 190519
(097) 3949599


Main Directorate of the STS in Ivano-Frankivsk reg

(0342) 771868
(0342) 771886
(099) 6523208
(registration of RRO/PRRO and control in settlements sphere)

(0342) 771869
(0342) 771899
(073) 9331300
(tax debt repayment and debt to the budget, issuance of a certificate regarding absence of debt)

(0342) 771941
(0342) 779661
(administration of excise tax and licensing of excisable products)

(0342) 771886
(taxpayer registration, provision of administrative services, registration and accounting of taxpayers, acceptance of reporting)

(0342) 771880
(keeping records of taxes, levies, payments, single contribution and monitoring of accounting and reporting indicators)

Taxation of legal entities:

(head of the of Legal entities taxation department)

(0342) 771876
(0342) 771885
(Department of analytical work)

(0342) 771940
(VAT refunding control department)

(0347) 522179
(0342) 771884
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in other industries)

(0342) 771924
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in wholesale and retail sale, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)

(0343) 324410
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in processing industry)

(0342) 771936
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in construction, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply)

(0342) 771878
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries)

(0347) 266601
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities, real estate transactions)

Taxation of individuals:

(0342) 771882
(097) 6792265
(unblocking of tax invoices, adjustment calculations and taxpayer risk)

(0342) 771882
(096) 5032823
(declaration of income received in 2024)

(0342) 771882
(096) 5032823
(calculation of the minimum tax liability for individuals)

(0342) 552476
(0342) 771877
(096) 5032823
(accrual of the real estate tax other than land plot and land tax for individuals)

(0342) 771882
(0342) 771904
(096) 5032823
(accrual of the personal income tax, military levy and single contribution)

(0342) 771891
(096) 5032823
(taxes and levies for individuals-entrepreneurs)


Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv region

(044) 2003713
(068) 2193484

(044) 2003712
(093) 0269426
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(044) 2003714
(095) 7383710
(administration of rent and environmental tax, local taxes and levies)


Main Directorate of the STS in Kirovohrad region

(0522) 366966
(097) 5717679
(administration of rent and environmental tax, local taxes and levies for legal entities)

(0522) 366907
(097) 5717679
(VAT administration)

(0522) 366960
(097) 5717679
(administration of income tax, non-profit institutions and organizations and simplified taxation system)

(0522) 366948
(097) 5717679
(control over the VAT refunding)


Main Directorate of the STS in Luhansk region

(095) 7390802
(VAT, income tax, personal income tax, excise duty, single tax, single social contribution, property taxes, one-time declaration)


Main Directorate of the STS in Lviv region

(063) 5956783
(032) 2973226
(032) 2973007
(VAT administration for legal entities)

(032) 2973496
(VAT refunding for legal entities)

(032) 2973135
(032) 2973255
(income tax administration, parts of net profit (income)

(032) 2973104
(registration of single tax payers - legal entities)

(032) 2973089
032) 2973024
(registration, exclusion, taxation of non-profit institutions and organizations)

(032) 2973423
(administration of rent payments and environmental tax for legal entities)

(032) 2973435
(administration of local taxes and levies for legal entities)

(032) 2973549
(032) 2973164

(taxpayers’ administration of the agricultural sector (general taxation system, single tax group IV)

(032) 2973265
(administration of the single tax for legal entities (group III)


Main Directorate of the STS in Mykolaiv region

(0512) 501817
(066) 8310165
(local tax administration)

(0512) 501894
(067) 6057743
(VAT administration)

(0512) 501805
(067) 7434511
(corporate income tax administration)

(0512) 501917
(095) 6042534
(VAT refunding)


Main Directorate of the STS in Odesa region

(048) 7072960
(VAT refund control department)

(048) 7072896
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in other industries)

(048) 7072961
(048) 7072820
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in wholesale and retail sale, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)

(048) 7072890
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in industry and construction)

(048) 4233706
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in sectors of education, healthcare and recreation)

(048) 7072945
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in sectors of financial, insurance and public administration)

(048) 4125468
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in sectors of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, household activities)

(048) 6895708
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in transport, warehousing, postal and courier sectors)

(048) 6242227
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the real estate, information and telecommunications sectors)


Main Directorate of the STS in Poltava region

(also for payers of Kherson region, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city)

(0532) 502773
(066) 9156936
(administration of legal entities)

(0532) 503505
(single tax for legal entities)

(0532) 503505
(income tax)

(0532) 502773
(066) 9156936

(0532) 503507
(land tax, real estate tax)

(0532) 503518
(resource and rent payments, environmental tax)


Main Directorate of the STS in Rivne region


(0362) 692602
(050) 1720533
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0362) 692537
(050) 1720533
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0362) 692533
(050) 1720533


Main Directorate of the STS in Sumy region

(0542) 685106
(income tax, part of the net profit, single tax)

(0542) 685131
(value added tax)

(0542) 685276
(local taxes and levies)

(095) 2437841
(general questions regarding administration of taxes and levies for legal entities)


Main Directorate of the STS in Ternopil region

(0352) 434623

(0352) 434620
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0352) 434647
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(098) 3653259


Main Directorate of the STS in Kharkiv region

(057) 7028595
(VAT refunding control department)

(057) 7028573
(057) 7028590
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the mining industry)

(057) 7028632
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the healthcare and social assistance sector)

(057) 4472888
(rent, local taxes and levies, value added tax)

Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the other types of wholesale and retail sale:

(057) 7028614
(057) 7028586
(value added tax)

(057) 7028548
(income tax)

(057) 4328152
(single tax)

(057) 7028780
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the real estate transactions)

(05758) 30139
(Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the of professional, scientific and technical activities)

Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the administrative and support services:

(05743) 28152
(Income tax, non-profit organizations)

(05749) 20418
(Rent, local taxes and levies (land tax, real estate fee), single tax)

(057) 3931207
(value added tax)

Taxes and levies department for legal entities in the information and telecommunications:

(05744) 72888
(value added tax)

(05744) 72133
(income tax, local taxes and levies (land tax, real estate tax, tourist fee, etc.), single tax)

(057) 7028624
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the provision of other types of services)

(05745) 70099
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities)

Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries:

(05763) 28109
(value added tax, income tax, single tax)

(057) 2931018
(rent, local taxes and levies)

Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the wholesale trade sector:

(057) 7020277
(income tax)

(050) 6992683

Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the construction sector:

(057) 7028584
(value added tax, single tax)

(057) 702 8580
(income tax, rent, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(057) 3931469
(057) 3931426
(department of taxes and levies for legal entities in the processing industry)

Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in other industries:

(05746) 23284
(05746) 22242
(value added tax, local taxes and levies, single tax)

(05747) 31201
(income tax, rent)

(05749) 20930
(income tax)

(05743) 28152
(land payment, single tax)


Main Directorate of the STS in Khmelnytkyi region

(0382) 701838
(093) 0403123
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0382) 701830
(093) 0403123
(income tax, simplified taxation system of legal entities (single tax), activities of non-profit organizations)

(0382) 701822
(093) 0403123


Main Directorate of the STS in Cherkasy region

(0472) 339163
(0472) 339184
(097) 8274625
(administration of rent payment, environmental tax, local taxes and levies)

(0472) 339162
(067) 5375764

(0472) 339161
(093) 3148640
(income tax, activities of non-profit organizations)


Main Directorate of the STS in Chernivtsi region

(0372) 542755
(Head of the Legal entities taxation department)

(0372) 546010
(0372) 545622
(Department of Analytical Work)

(0372) 545638
(VAT refund control department)

(0372) 545658
(Department of taxes and levies for other sectors (professional, scientific and technical activities, activities in administrative and support services, art, sports, entertainment and recreation, financial and insurance activities, activities of households, activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies))

(0372) 546015
(0372) 545660
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in sectors of trade, hotel and restaurant activities)

(0372) 545647
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in sectors of industry, electricity supply and water supply)

(03736) 23746
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in agriculture, hunting and forestry)

(03730) 22499
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in construction, transport and communications)

(03739) 22133
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in public administration, education, healthcare and other types of services)

(0372) 545619
(Department of taxes and levies for legal entities in information and real estate transactions)


Main Directorate of the STS in Chernihiv region

(0462) 652324
(value added tax administration for legal entities)

(0462) 652332
(income tax, activities of the non-profit organizations)

(0462) 652394
(simplified taxation system for legal entities (single tax Group III))

(0462) 652385
(simplified taxation system for legal entities (single tax Group IV))

(0462) 652343
(administration of rent for legal entities)

(0462) 652394
(administration of environmental tax, land tax, real estate tax for legal entities)


Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv city

(044) 4823461

(044) 4823479
(income tax)

(044) 4823498
(registration of the single tax for legal entities and registration of non-profit institutions and organizations)


Central Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(093) 2045411
(044) 4540924
(Department of tax administration of enterprises, Production sector enterprises)

(096) 6209371
(Department of tax administration of non-production enterprises)

(067) 5032340
(044) 4540935
(Department of tax administration of financial institutions and enterprises of other industries)

(044) 4540926
(Department of tax administration of enterprises in the wholesale, retail sle and fuel circulation)

(044) 4540905
(regarding registration suspension of a tax invoice/adjustment calculation in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices)


Eastern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(050) 5521597
(administration of legal entities)


Western Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(032) 2973075
(066) 4582935
(Department of Tax Administration of Manufacturing Enterprises)

(032) 2973608
(067) 4667935
(Department of Tax Administration of Non-production Enterprises)


Southern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(048) 7701641
(about all taxes for agro-industrial complex enterprises)

(048) 7702034
(048) 7702015

(all taxes for enterprises in production and non-production spheres)

(067) 7087084
(all taxes for enterprises of Mykolaiv department)


Northern Interregional Directorate of the STS for work with large taxpayers

(057) 7770832
(050) 3010962
(057) 7770840
(050) 1506837
(tax administration)