Main tasks and functions of the Department are:
development, organization and control over implementation of the anti-corruption measures aimed at preventing offenses and offenses related to corruption;
organization of work on assessment of corruption risks in the STS’s activities, preparation of eliminative measures, submission of appropriate suggestions to Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (or the person entrusted with performance of duties);
provision of methodological and advisory assistance on compliance with requirements of the anti-corruption legislation;
decision-making on identification measures of a conflict of interest, facilitating its solution, informing Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (or the person entrusted with performance of duties) and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention about the identification of a conflict of interest and measures taken for its solution;
verification of submission of declarations by the subjects of declaration and notification of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention about cases of the non-submission or untimely submission of such declarations according to procedure determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On corruption prevention";
control over compliance with the anti-corruption legislation, including in the STS’s territorial bodies, at enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the STS’s management sphere;
consideration of notifications on violations of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On corruption prevention", including in the STS’s territorial bodies, at enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the STS’s management sphere;
execution of powers in protection of the whistleblowers according to the Law of Ukraine "On corruption prevention";
informing Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (or the person entrusted with performance of duties), National Agency on Corruption Prevention and other specially authorized entities in the anti-corruption about cases provided for by the law about legislative violations in the anti-corruption prevention.