Main tasks and functions of the Departmental Control Department
1. implementation of the departmental control over compliance with legislative requirements, execution of official and functional obligations at the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies, Main Directorates of the STS in regions and Kyiv city, Interregional Directorates of the STS for work with large taxpayers (hereinafter - territorial bodies), at enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the STS’s management sphere;
2. collection, processing, analysis and examination of information required to identify and/or prejudice events that adversely affect/ will affect the STS’s activity;
3. planning and implementation of control measures (audits) regarding the organization of work, execution of assigned tasks and functions in the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies;
4. organization and conduction of control measures (audits), assessment and analysis, other control measures on the state of organization of work in the STS and its territorial bodies;
5. generalization of identified by audits and other control measures of violations and deficiencies in the organization of work of structural units of the STS, its territorial bodies, compliance with legislative requirements, performance of official, positional obligations in the STS’s apparatus, its territorial bodies and preparation of conclusions and suggestions to Chairman of the STS to take response measures to eliminate identified shortcomings and violations;
6. consideration and participation in consideration of appeals (complaints, applications, proposals), including repeated, received from citizens, economic entities, state bodies, people's deputies of Ukraine and other essentially raised issues, including regarding legitimacy of actions of the STS’s officials and its territorial bodies, providing answers to them, preparation (if necessary) of conclusions, suggestions, etc.
The main function of the Departmental Control Department is execution of the departmental control over the legislative compliance, performance of official, positional obligations in the STS’s apparatus, its territorial bodies, at enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the STS’s management sphere.