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Tasks and functions

Main tasks of the Department are:

1) coordination of activities of the STS’s structural units in order to ensure implementation of budget process in terms of revenues and payments, control over collection of which is assigned to the STS;

2) informational and analytical support of leadership, state authorities regarding activities of the STS in filling the budget;

3) monitoring of tax consequences of activities of the cluster group participants and maintenance of Register of large taxpayers;

4) organization of process of record keeping and compiling reporting on the state of taxpayers’ settlements with the budget and payment of single contribution, as well as other indicators of work in areas of the STS’s activity;

5) informing state authorities about the status of taxpayers' settlements with budgets and payment of single contribution, as well as submitting reporting to local self-government bodies, defined by Sub-paragraph 12.3.3 Paragraph 12.3 Article 12 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, including regarding taxpayers;

6) activities coordination of structural divisions of the State Tax Service on the tax risk management (compliance risks).


Main functions of the Department are:

1) coordination of the budget process in terms of revenues;

2) determination and monitoring of of income indicators by region;

3) maintenance of Register of large taxpayers;

4) systematization and monitoring of tax consequences of economic activity of the cluster group participants;

5) organization of work on record keeping of taxes, levies, payments, single contribution and monitoring of accounting and reporting indicators;

6) organization and maintenance of payment mechanism for monetary obligations and/or tax debt from taxes, levies, other payments and single contribution using a single account;

7) organization of work on compiling reporting and informing state authorities about the status of taxpayers' settlements with the budget, payment of single contribution;

8) organization of the information interaction process of the STS, State Treasury Service of Ukraine and local financial bodies;

9) organization of compliance in the STS;

10) formation of the List of taxpayers with a high level of voluntary compliance with tax legislation;

11) functioning coordination of the tax risk management system (compliance risks);

12. other functions and procedures within the Department’s competence.