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Tasks and functions

Main tasks and functions of the Financial Support and Accounting Department

Accounting of financial and economic activities of budget institution and preparation of reporting;

reflection of reliable and complete information in documents about business operations and results of activities required for the operational management of budget allocations (appropriations), as well as financial and material (intangible) resources;

compliance with budgetary legislation taking budget obligations, timely submission of such obligations for registration, making payments according to taken obligations, reflection of reliable and complete information in accounting and reporting;

control over the availability and movement of property, use of financial and material (intangible) resources according to approved regulations and estimates;

prevention of negative phenomena in financial and economic activities, identification and mobilization of intra-household reserves;

organization of prognostication planning of expenditures necessary to achieve strategic goals and implementation of priority areas of the STS for coming years;

organization of financial support of apparatus and territorial bodies of the STS;

study and implementation of the international best practices in financial and economic issues and accounting.