Main tasks and functions of the HR Department
Main tasks of the Department are:
- implementation of the state policy on personnel management in the STS;
- ensuring execution of powers in the personnel management sphere by the Chairman;
- organizational development of the STS;
- selection of the STS’s personnel;
- prognostication of personnel development, promotion of employees to go forward in career, improvement of their professional competence;
- organization of scientific and scientific-technical activities in the STS;
- organizational and methodological guidance and control over the work with personnel in the STS’s territorial Directorates and Kyiv city, Interregional Directorates of the STS for work with large taxpayers;
Department performs the following functions and procedures:
- recruitment of personnel to the STS’s apparatus and to positions of heads and deputy heads of its territorial bodies, organization of work to improve level of professional competence of employees of the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies;
- participation in formation of suggestions for the state order for training and advanced training of specialists in the state tax matters in the prescribed manner;
- coordination of work of the STS’s structural units on organization and implementation of internal control in the STS;
- organization of work related to the personal data protection during their processing according to legislation;
- preparation of suggestions for improvement of normative legal acts and development of draft laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Finance, which belong to sphere of the STS’s activity;
- provision of consideration of requests and appeals of People's Deputies of Ukraine;
- management of the state-owned objects;
- organization of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the STS;
- organization of protocol support for events regarding reception of foreign delegations in the STS and events regarding foreign business trips of employees.