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Tasks and functions

Tasks and functions of the Legal Support Department:

- ensuring control over observance of legality in the activities of the STS, its territorial bodies in performance of tasks and functions assigned by current legislation;

- organization and participation in ensuring implementation of the state legal policy in tax legislation and other legislation, control over the observance of which is entrusted to the STS, correct application of legislation in the STS and its territorial bodies;

- organization and conduction of claim work, ensuring representation of the STS’s  interests in courts (except for all categories of cases related to the bankruptcy procedure and taxpayers’ debt) and other bodies in the prescribed manner within the scope of competence of control over the conduction of lawsuit work by the STS’s territorial bodies;

- provision of practical assistance to the legal support units of territorial bodies of the STS regarding organization and conduction of claim and lawsuit work;

- development and participation in development of projects of the normative legal acts on issues that belong to the STS’s competence;

- verification of compliance with legislation and international treaties of Ukraine of draft orders and other acts submitted for signature to Chairman of the STS, their approval (visa) in the presence of visas of heads of interested structural units;

- conduction of legal examination of projects of normative legal acts prepared by structural divisions of the STS, basing on the results of which a conclusion is prepared in a form approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, their approval (visa) if heads of interested structural divisions have visas;

- reviewing, together with structural units of the STS, normative legal acts and other documents on issues that belong to Department’s competence with aim of bringing them into legislative compliance;

- generalization (together with interested structural units of the STS) of practice of applying tax legislation, legislation on the payment of single contribution to obligatory state social insurance (hereinafter - single contribution) and legislation on other issues control of compliance of which is entrusted to the STS;

- consideration of projects of the normative legal acts and other documents received for approval on matters belonging to the STS’s competence and preparation of suggestions for them;

- approval (visa) of draft contracts in presence of approval (visa) of heads of interested structural units;

- promotion of correct application of the labor legislation acts;

- implementation of methodical management of legal work in the STS, its territorial bodies, monitoring of state of legal work and submission of suggestions for consideration by Chairman of the STS regarding its improvement, elimination of deficiencies in legal provision of the STS’s activities, taking measures to introduce the latest forms and methods of activity of legal service, execution of acts of the Ministry of Justice and its territorial bodies;

- implementation of measures to enter information about STS in the Unified state register of legal entities, Individual entrepreneurs and public organizations;

- organization and conduction of work related to improving qualifications of Department's employees, clarifying application of legislation, providing legal advice on issues within the STS’s competence;

- implementation of measures aimed at increasing level of legal knowledges of the STS’s employees.