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Main tasks and functions of the Operation Support Department

coordination of work, organization and execution of tasks (assignments) stipulated by the Laws of Ukraine, decrees and orders of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, assignment of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, legal and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Tax Service’s leadership;

organizational and methodological support regarding measures intended to improve current organizational structure and optimize number of the State Tax Service’s employees and its territorial directorates, arrangement of their functions and procedures. Division of responsibilities between the State Tax Service’s leadership and coordination of work to support preparation and coordination of division of responsibilities between leadership of territorial bodies of the State Tax Service. Organization of work on formation/reorganization/liquidation of the State Tax Service’s territorial bodies;  

coordination of work of the State Tax Service’s structural subdivisions on the organization and implementation of internal control in the State Tax Service;

development and approval of methodological support of the State Tax Service’s Regulations in the prescribed order and exemplary regulations of its territorial departments, control over its compliance, Instructions on the record keeping in the State Tax Service and Exemplary instruction on the record keeping in territorial bodies of the State Tax Service, Digest of the unified forms of organizational-administrative and information-analytical documents of the State Tax Service and methodological recommendations on the preparation and registration of documents in the State Tax Service, control over their observance;

methodological support for planning current State Tax Service’s activity and its territorial bodies, formation of projects according to current plans of the State Tax Service’s activity, their approval in the prescribed order and bringing to executors’ attention, participation in development and execution of special mobilization readiness plan;  

methodological support for organization of the State Tax Service’s hardware meetings with participation of heads of its structural units and heads of territorial bodies, other meetings;

organizational and methodological support of the State Tax Service’s Board activity;

monitoring and control over execution of tasks in the State Tax Service and its territorial bodies, determined by management decisions of its leadership to assignments of higher state authorities, appeals of central executive authorities and other incoming correspondence, own decisions of the State Tax Service to ensure proper internal control system functioning;

provision of the Head’s control powers regarding fulfillment by the State Tax Service’s structural units and its territorial bodies of tasks in due time;

assessment of executive discipline level in structural units of the State Tax Service and its territorial bodies;

methodological support for execution of systematic automated control over execution of target tasks by the State Tax Service, as well as remote automated control over execution of target tasks by the State Tax Service’s territorial bodies;

functioning of the State Tax Service’s Disciplinary Board for consideration of the State Tax Service’s disciplinary cases;

provision of proper linguistic level of the State Tax Service’s activity according to linguistic legislation, Ukrainian spelling and relevant regulations;

documentary support for activity of the State Tax Service’s apparatus, establishment of the unified procedure for documenting management work information using modern automated systems, methodological assistance and control over observance regarding the established procedure of work with documents in the State Tax Service’s structural units and its territorial bodies, at organizations and institutions belonging to sphere of its management;

conduction of regular checks on the status of record keeping in the State Tax Service and its territorial bodies;

organization of electronic document flow in the State Tax Service;

organization of work on manning, storage of records and use of archival documents;

organization of work with documents marked as “For official use”;

management changes of the State Tax Service;

strategic management development of the State Tax Service’s;

development and methodological support of the State Tax Service’s performance indicators system (abb. KPI);

organization and conduction of analysis regarding working processes of the STS’s management system and implementation of its standardization, provision of suggestions to the STS’s leadership;

support of the Government’s program documents regarding the State Tax Service’s development;

provision of cooperation and communication with public and business community;

organization of media outreach regarding the practice of applying legislation on matters within the State Tax Service’s competence;

formation of the State Tax Service information policy and its territorial bodies;

provision of information to the public regarding implementation of tax policy and policy of the single social contribution administration via the Internet;

provision of information to the public regarding performance indicators, directions and summarized results of the State Tax Service’s activity;

monitoring and analysis of the information space;

organization of work with appeals received during the hotline with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

organization of personal reception of citizens by the State Tax Service’s leadership and officials of its structural subdivisions;

provision of access to public information;

organization of consideration of citizens’ appeals, requests for public information, control over their implementation and processing of out-coming documents;

consideration and analysis of the draft normative legal acts;

organizational and advisory-analytical support of activities of Head of the State Tax Service.