Application for inclusion/amendments to Register of volunteers of the anti-terrorist operation and/or implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repel and deter armed aggression of Russian Federation
Paper application can be submitted in person, by mail or through authorized individual (representative):
benefactor in person – to any controlling body with presentation of passport of a citizen of Ukraine or identity document. Foreigners and stateless individuals present document confirming their legal stay in the territory of Ukraine;
representative – to the controlling body at the residence place of individual-benefactor, in presence of a document certifying identity of such representative and document certifying identity of trustee, or its photocopy (with a clear image), as well as power of attorney, certified by notary, to carry out relevant actions (returns after presentation);
mail – to the controlling body at the residence place of individual – benefactor, signature of individual – benefactor on the application must be notarized.
For getting form to fill in, click here.
Electronic application can be submitted through the Electronic cabinet.
Individuals identified by the personal key issued by any qualified provider of electronic trust services will be able to use the specified service.
To fill out and submit application, after identification and entering private part of the Electonic Cabinet, it is needed to go to the Electonic Cabinet mode "For citizens" sub-mode "Application to Register of Volunteers/Create" or follow the route "Additional / Introduction of reporting / Create" and select form with code f1308302.
After filling in the application, check, save, sign and send.
To submit application in electronic form through the Electronic cabinet, click here.
Electronic application form (f 1308302) for software developers is available at the following link: