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Individuals who cannot use the one-time (special) voluntary declaration

published 30 July 2021 at 15:58

Declarants may not be individuals who, as of the beginning of period of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration, are juveniles / minors or incapacitated individuals and are fully dependent on other people (including parents) and / or the state or are individuals whose viability is limited and have established guardianship / custody.

Declarants may also not be individuals who, in any year, starting from the 01.01.2005, submitted or must submit declarations according to the laws that determine or have determined legal and organizational principles in the corruption prevention sphere (except for those who have applied or are applying for positions in which the position requires or required a person to submit the declaration and have not been appointed or elected to the relevant positions).  

Declarants may not be individuals in respect of whom special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) have been applied by Ukraine according to the Law of Ukraine “On sanctions”.