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How and what requisites of budget account must be used for payment of levy for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration?

published 11 February 2022 at 09:31

After payer’s submission of “Reporting” / “Reporting new” / “Clarifying” declaration (hereinafter –Declaration), an integrated payer’ card on the corresponding territory is automatically opened; the E-cabinet (private part) in section “Status of settlements with the budget” will contain information with reflection of requisites for payment of declared amounts from the one-time (special) voluntary declaration (hereinafter – Levy) with possible use of one of available payment systems and / or the generated QR-code by payment code 11011100.

Scanning the QR-code on user’s smartphone, the mobile application of a bank with generated account requisites for payment of Levy will be automatically opened.

If payer has changed address according to the “Reporting new” or “Clarifying” declaration, than such payer will receive a notification with updated requisites for payment of Levy.

E-cabinet provides automatic filling in of payment order based on payer’s data.


More information is in the “Knowledge Base” of public information and reference resource