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Yevhen Oleinikov: One-time declaration is not legalization of criminal assets

, published 01 November 2021 at 17:50

There is a public demand for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration, as there is a large part of society that has not paid taxes, but as of today wants to turn this page and close it. This opinion was expressed by acting Chairman of the STS Yevhen Oleinikov in an interview with “Economichna Pravda”.

“I see it at the level of big business. I remember what their views were in the late 1990s and what they are like now, how they paid taxes then and how they pay today. There are those who will not pay in principle. No matter what taxes they set, they will think how not to pay even them. Such psychology in humans also exists. The challenge is to leave only those who knowingly do not want to pay taxes. And this is impossible without the amnesty” – said Yevhen Oleinikov.

He also noted that after reviewing procedure for verifying origin of funds, banks began to actively participate in the declaration process. This is evidenced by the increase in a number of declarations.

“In fact, the state has taken responsibility that if relevant organizations did not provide the bank with clear information that money was of criminal origin, the banks would not be liable.” – stated Yevhen Oleinikov.

At the same time, citizens who received these funds by criminal means will not be released from liability. One-time declaration is not a way to legalize criminal assets.

“The IMF is wary of measures such as amnesty. But it is in terms of legalization. The IMF perceives tax amnesty quite normally. I have personally explained to the IMF experts several times what exactly we want. It was very important for them to be assured that it was an amnesty – not legalization” – specified acting Chairman of the STS.

He also noted that the basis for annulment of declaration and its results in connection with legalization of criminal proceeds can only be a court verdict that has entered into force.


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