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Actual questions and answers

Questions – answers regarding procedure of registration and use of software RRO in the "Knowledge Base" of the publicly available information and reference resource 

Actual questions and answers related to software registrars of settlement operations

1. How is the programming of goods titles (services) carried out in PRRO?

Programming of goods/services in the PRRO is carried out by the business entity/operator (cashier) independently by adding goods/services or by importing data from the list (file in the CSV format) formed according to the PRRO user manual.

2. What are the methods of receiving a fiscal check for goods (services) by the buyer paid for through PRRO?

Law of Ukraine № 128-IX as of 20.09.2019 "On amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services" and other Laws of Ukraine on un-shadowing settlements in trade and services" establish that business entities that carry out settlement operations in cash and/or non-cash form (using electronic payment means, payment checks, tokens, etc.) during the sale of goods (providing services), public catering and services, as well as operations of accepting cash for its subsequent transfer are obliged to provide person, who receives or returns goods, receives or refuses service, with a settlement document of the prescribed form and content for the full amount of transaction created in paper and /or in electronic form (including, but not exclusively, with reproduction of the QR-code on a display of device on which software registrar of settlement operations is installed, which allows a person to read it and identify it with settlement document by the data structure contained in it, and/or by sending electronic settlement document to the subscriber number or e-mail address provided by such person).

3. How will the fact of data transfer from PRRO to the fiscal server be confirmed for the business entity?

Transfer of the registration application, notification of the detection of PRRO malfunction, opening of a working shift is confirmed by receiving relevant receipts from the fiscal server.

Transfer of settlement document and the fiscal reporting check is confirmed by receiving the fiscal number assigned to these documents by the fiscal server.

4. Submission of an application for obtaining license for the retail sale of alcohol beverages by business entities that use software RRO

License for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages is issued by licensing authorities, that, according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 609 as of 05.08.2015 are the territorial authorities of the State Tax Service.

To obtain such license, the business entity submits an application to the licensing authority at the place of activity for issuance of license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in an arbitrary form.

Application must contain list of software RRO located at the place of trade, their fiscal numbers, registration date in the supervisory body; title of the PRRO model is also indicated in the application.

5. Continuation of testing of free software solutions from the State Tax Service (PRRO) as preparation for the application of PRRO

Business entities that will use PRRO for the first time can participate in testing (studying operation) of free PRRO software solutions.

There is created and ensured test environments for testing PRRO (free software solution from the State Tax Service) for API of the fiscal server of the controlling body of the Unified window for submission of electronic reporting and API of the fiscal server of the controlling body of the Electronic Cabinet.

To test the PRRO operation using the specified API, it is needed to use your own qualified electronic signature, which can be ordered from any qualified provider of electronic trust services.

Qualified provider of electronic trust services of the Information and Reference Department of the State Tax Service provides qualified electronic signature free of charge to state authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all ownership forms, other subjects of economic activity and individuals.

6. Registration conditions of the RRO/PRRO for individuals – entrepreneurs that provide services using the Internet from its own apartment

In case that an individual – entrepreneur’s residence place is a place where entrepreneurial activity is carried out or it is connected with conduction of entrepreneurial activity, then individual – entrepreneur, according to requirements of Paragraph 63.3 Article 63 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, must submit a notification about taxation objects or about objects related to taxation, informing about the residence place as the taxation object, after which the RRO and/or PRRO can be registered for such object.

7. Is it possible to check checks issued by the PRRO?

Checks issued by PRRO can be searched by following the link:

At the same time, checks issued by the PRRO online are available for search immediately after their registration on the fiscal server, that is, immediately after settlement between the buyer and the seller is completed.

Checks issued by the PRRO in offline mode are available for viewing after they are transferred by the PRRO to the PRRO Data Accounting System.

8. Is it necessary to cancel the hardware RRO and register the software one?

There are no legislative restrictions on the use of software RRO along with the hardware by business entity.

Business entity independently, based on its own needs, chooses the RRO type (software and/or hardware) by means of which it intends to register payment transactions according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services".

If the business entity decides to use software RRO instead of a hardware one, registration of the hardware RRO must be canceled.

9. Is the "Software RRO" already working?

PRRO has been introduced since 01.08.2020.

As of August 1, 2020, the State Tax Service has ensured operation of its fiscal server, two API of the fiscal server (API of the Electronic Cabinet and API of the Single window for submitting electronic reporting), so that business entities have been provided with two free software solutions from the State Tax Service for use, intended for settlement operations, which were posted on web portal of the State Tax Service at the following link:  

Currently, the updated version of free software solution from the State Tax Service (PRRO of the State Tax Service) is functioning, which can be downloaded after switching to the link:   

Along with free PRRO of the State Tax Service, commercial PRROs also operate in Ukraine.


10. How to register a cashier for software RRO?

Business entity can carry out settlement operations on PRRO independently or designate authorized persons (cashiers).

A person can carry out settlement operations on PRRO using the electronic signature of such a person/electronic seal of the business entity to which PRRO is registered, after entering data about certificates in the Register of software RRO, provided that the corresponding public key certificate is valid.

Only those persons whose certificates of electronic signatures and/or seals are entered in the Register for such PRRO can carry out settlement operations on the PRRO.

Data of certificates of electronic signatures and/or seals used by PRRO are entered in the Register of software RRO on the basis of notifications submitted by business entities in the electronic form on the provision of information on qualified/improved public key certificates used in PRRO using form № 5-PRRO.

Electronic notification forms J1391802/F1391802 are available at the following links:

Notification can be submitted using software of the Electronic Cabinet or any other software available to the business entity.

11. Is a fiscal check printed through the "Software RRO" belongs to settlement document?

Definition of a settlement document is established by the Law of Ukraine "On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services", according to which settlement document is a document of the prescribed form and content (cashier's check, commodity check, expense check, settlement receipt, travel document, etc.), which confirms the sale (return) of goods, provision of services, operations of issuing cash to holders of electronic payment means, receipt (return) of funds, trade of currency values in cash form, created in paper and/or electronic form (electronic settlement document) in cases provided for by this Law, registered in the prescribed manner by registrar of settlement operations or its software version, or filled in manually.

As follows, settlement document formed and issued by the PRRO has the same legal force as the settlement document of the classic RRO.

12. What is the "offline mode" for using the software RRO?

Law of Ukraine №128-IX as of 20.09.2019 "On amendments to the Law of Ukraine " On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services " established that during a period of miscommunication between the software RRO and the fiscal server of the controlling body settlement operations are carried out offline, which can last not more than 36 hours, with creation of electronic settlement documents, which are assigned with fiscal numbers from a range of fiscal numbers generated by the fiscal server of the controlling body.

During legal regime of the martial law, state of emergency or force majeure, settlement operations carried out offline and use of fiscal numbers from the range of fiscal numbers generated by the fiscal server of the controlling body may be carried out beyond the legally established terms.

13. How to work with software RRO in the "offline mode"?

Procedure for the RRO usage, including during offline operation, is established by the Procedure for registration, registry maintenance and use of the software RRO, which was developed according to Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, catering and services".

Familiarize yourself with the procedure here:

14. What are the main requirements signing an electronic settlement document in the XML format in API?

Signing of the electronic settlement documents is possible under condition that the relevant public key certificate is valid.

15. Can the business entity independently create "Software RRO" for itself and use it in its activities?

The main legally established requirements for any PRRO are to ensure that it fulfills the fiscal function through the fiscal server of the controlling body and mandatory inclusion of PRRO in Register of software registrars of settlement operations. If these conditions are fulfilled by the PRRO, then such PRRO can be used for settlement operations regardless of who is its creator.

16. Where is offline time monitored and how is it calculated?

Procedure for registration, registry maintenance and use of software registrars of settlement operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance № 317 as of 23.06.2020 stipulates that the PRRO must ensure constant control during offline operation, in particular, regarding:

restoring the PRRO connection with the fiscal server and checking presence of such connection before creating each settlement document in the offline mode;

compliance with deadlines for using the offline mode, to inform person performing settlement operation about the remaining time during which the offline mode may last and to stop conducting settlement operations in the offline mode in case of reaching one of the deadlines (36 hours in a row or 168 hours during a calendar month).

PRRO should be automatically transferred from the offline mode to the online exchange mode with the fiscal server at the moment of reestablishing connection between the PRRO and the fiscal server.

Time during which PRRO was offline is calculated by summing the following periods:

from the date and time specified in the Notification form № 4-PRRO with a mark "start of PRRO transfer to the offline mode" to the date and time specified in the Notification form № 4-PRRO with a mark " end of the offline mode";

from the date and time specified in Notification form № 4-PRRO marked "end of the offline mode" to the date and time specified in the Notification form № 4-PRRO marked " start of PRRO transfer to the offline mode", if during a period between these periods, not a single settlement document was registered in the online exchange mode on the PRRO fiscal server.

17. How is transition of the PRRO operation mode from the offline to online controlled?

Procedure for registration, registry maintenance and use of software registrars of settlement operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance № 317 as of 23.06.2020, stipulates that the PRRO is automatically transferred from the offline to the online exchange mode with the fiscal server at the moment of reestablishing connection between the PRRO and the fiscal server.

Software PRRO solution, working in the offline mode, should provide constant control over the reestablishment of PRRO connection with the fiscal server and check presence of communication before generating each check in the offline mode.

18. Is it possible to submit an application for PRRO registration through the Unified window for submission of electronic reporting?

Application for PRRO registration can be submitted through the Electronic cabinet, Unified window for submission of electronic reporting or other software available to the business entity.

19. What sequence of actions must be taken by the business entity to register PRRO?

Business entity that intends to register PRRO must be registered in the supervisory authority. Also, such entity’s business unit, where PRRO will be used, about which the business entity informs the controlling body according to requirements of Paragraph 63.3 Article 63 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, must also be registered.

PRRO registration is carried out on the basis of application submitted in the electronic form to the State Tax Service.

Electronic application forms J1316605/F1316605 are placed at the following links:;   

After inclusion of PRRO in Register of software registrars of settlement operations, such PRRO can be used by the business entity.

Business entity informs about certificates of electronic signatures and/or seals that will be used for PRRO by submitting a notification on the provision of information on qualified/improved public key certificates that are used in the PRRO using form № 5-PRRO (J/F1391802).

20. How are PRRO, economic units and cashiers related to each other?

PRRO is registered by the business entity for a separate business unit, requisites of which are specified in the settlement document (check).

Persons whose data on certificates of qualified/improved electronic signatures have been entered into the Register of software RRO on the basis of a Notification form № 5-PRRO submitted by the business entity, may conduct settlement operations at different times (different shifts) on different RRO, which may be located at various economic facilities.

21. Does a business entity that uses PRRO have a right not to receive a range of fiscal numbers?

Business entity may not receive a range of fiscal numbers if it decides not to use PRRO during the absence of communication between the PRRO and the fiscal server of the State Tax Service and not to conduct settlement operations during this period.

22. At what point in time is the number range for PRRO formed and how is it enriched?

For each PRRO, the fiscal server generates a separate range of fiscal numbers that are assigned to electronic documents during the PRRO operation in the offline mode.

First portion of reserved numbers of the Range for PRRO is formed by the fiscal server automatically upon a request from PRRO to obtain reserve numbers, which is a service document, creation of which is initiated by the corresponding PRRO command (hereinafter - PRRO request) or in response to a service document with the "Opening a working shift" type, generated and sent to the fiscal server.

Response of the fiscal server to PRRO request contains a list of fiscal numbers from the Range. Response of the fiscal server to a service document with the "Opening a working shift" type contains number of the offline session and the list of fiscal numbers from the Range.

Next portions of reserved fiscal numbers for PRRO are generated by the fiscal server automatically in response to the PRRO request or in response to received data packet.

Response of the fiscal server to received data packet contains a number of the offline session and list of the following fiscal numbers from the Range.

Range, which is issued for PRRO operation in the offline mode, consists of a list of specific fiscal numbers reserved for PRRO.

Fiscal number reserved for PRRO assigned to electronic documents is formed as a unique set of letters and numbers or numbers separated by periods.

23. At what point in time are the fiscal numbers written off from the range of numbers issued by the fiscal server of the State Tax Service for the corresponding PRRO?

Means of the fiscal server keeps track of issued ranges for PRRO with assignment of the corresponding status to the fiscal numbers: reserved (issued but not sent to the fiscal server), used (settlement documents with assigned fiscal numbers from the range sent to the fiscal server and accepted by the fiscal server).

Fiscal server generates and issues new fiscal numbers to replace the used ones every time after receiving from PRRO a package of created settlement documents with fiscal numbers. Such numbers are assigned with the "used" status.

24. From what time is the countdown of 36 hours allowed for PRRO to work offline?

The countdown of the time during which the PRRO operation in the offline mode starts from the date and time specified in notification on the offline settlement operations with a mark "start of PRRO transfer to the offline mode" to the date and time specified in the message with the mark "completion offline mode", as well as from the date and time specified in the message marked "end of offline mode" to the date and time specified in the message marked "beginning of the transfer of the PRRO to offline mode", if in the period between such periods the fiscal server does not settlement documents were registered in online exchange mode.

25. Is the electronic time mark applied to settlement documents created by PRRO offline?

During the PRRO operation in a period of lack of communication between PRRO and the fiscal server and in the presence of Internet connection or a mobile Internet connection, the electronic time mark is imposed on settlement documents by the provider of electronic trust services.

26. How will the buyer be able to check settlement document (check) issued by PRRO, which works in the offline mode?

Settlement document (check) must have a mark indicating that settlement operation was carried out offline.

It is possible to check presence of this check in the State tax Service’s database through the Electronic Cabinet after the PRRO has finished working in the offline mode and transferred check/checks to the fiscal server.

Information about the fiscal numbers included in a range for PRRO use operating in the offline mode will be made public in the Electronic Cabinet with data on the fiscal number of PRRO and the business entity for which fiscal numbers are reserved for PRRO.

27. Can one business entity register and use PRRO along with classic RRO?

There are no legislative prohibitions and restrictions on the use of PRRO by one business entity along with classic RRO.

28. Can the business entity move PRRO outside the business unit for which it is registered, and, for example, sell goods of the same assortment as in the store?

Registering PRRO, the applicant indicates its type (stationary, mobile, self-service software and technical complex).


If the business entity intends to use PRRO in a stationary store and for mobile trade, then it is necessary to register two separate PRRO for different purposes of use.

29. When does individual – entrepreneur, who uses electronic signature in PRRO, need to create the electronic seal for PRRO?

Business entity independently decides which tool will be used in PRRO – improved/qualified electronic signature or improved/qualified electronic seal.

Depending on the chosen means, the business entity sends a corresponding electronic message to the State Tax Service. Such notification contains data on certificates of electronic signatures and/or seals used by PRRO, which are included in the PRRO Register and, accordingly, allowed for use in this PRRO.

30. What should be the business entity’s actions in case of a power outage in the economic unit, when it is impossible to work on a computer with PRRO?

Law of Ukraine "On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services" (hereinafter - Law) provides for the possibility of PRRO to work offline in case that the PRRO does not have connection with the fiscal server of the State Tax Service.

Procedure for the PRRO use in the offline mode is established by Section V of the Procedure for registration, registry maintenance and use of software registrars of settlement operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 317 as of 23.06.2020, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 07.07.2020 under № 635/34918 "On amendments to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 547 as of 14.06.2016" (hereinafter - Order № 317).

It should be noted that according to Article 5 of the Law, in case of a lack of communication between PRRO and the fiscal server of the controlling body, accounting of operations in trade of currency values in cash form and formation of settlement documents are carried out according to the procedure established by the National Bank of Ukraine. Therefore, Paragraph 6 of Order № 317 stipulates that procedure for PRRO use in the offline mode, defined in Section V of Order № 317, is not applicable to settlement operations for trading currency values in cash form.

31. What to do when PRRO stops working, when the gadget continues to function? In such case, is it necessary to provide reports on the detection of malfunctions of PRRO before or after the reloading of PRRO?

Article 5 of the Law determines that during a period of operation failure of PRRO, settlement operations are not carried out until the malfunction is eliminated.

PRRO user independently assesses working capacity of PRRO. If PRRO operation is resumed immediately after its restart (short-term stop), then it is not considered as faulty. In this case, notification on detection of malfunctions in form № 2-PRRO to Order № 317 is not sent to the State Tax Service.

Terms, conditions and procedure for submitting form № 2-PRRO are established by Section II of Order № 317.

32. Are data on the PRRO fiscal checks and Z - reports reflected in the taxpayer's Electronic cabinet?

Data on the PRRO fiscal checks and Z-reports are reflected in the "PRRO Data" section of private part of the Electronic cabinet.

33. Does PRRO allow State Tax Service to create product directories?

With tools of the PRRO software from the State Tax Service, it is possible to create and keep up-to-date directories: "Nomenclature", "Nomenclature groups", "Tax and levy rates", which the PRRO user creates and maintains independently.

User guide posted at: contains section "Directories" with description of algorithm of actions of the PRRO user regarding creation and management of the specified directories.

34. Does PRRO allow State Tax Service to send fiscal check to the buyer's e-mail box?

After completing necessary settings of the PRRO software to connect it to the corresponding mail server, fiscal checks generated by this PRRO can be sent to the buyer's e-mail box at the specified address.

35. Is PRRO from State Tax Service applicable for the iOS operating system?

It is possible to download free version of PRRO from the State Tax Service, adapted for the iOS operating system, by calling: and, accordingly, "User guide of PRRO from the State Tax Service" (iOS) -

36. Necessity of generation and electronic signature of individual - entrepreneur and electronic seal.

Business entity independently makes a decision on the electronic identification means that it will use in PRRO - improved/qualified electronic signature or improved/qualified electronic seal.

Depending on the chosen means, the business entity sends to the State Tax Service a notification on the provision of information on the qualified/improved public key certificates used in PRRO in form № 5-PRRO (J/F1391802), including a person authorized to conduct settlement operations.

Data of certificates of electronic signatures and/or seals used by PRRO are entered in the PRRO Register.

37. Procedure for using qualified electronic signatures of individuals - entrepreneurs and their employees using the PRRO.

Qualified electronic signatures in PRRO must be used in compliance with requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On electronic trust services".

Only those persons whose electronic signature certificate data are entered in the PRRO Register and which are valid at the time of settlement operation can use the qualified electronic signature in PRRO.

Submission of data on electronic signature certificates used in PRRO is carried out in compliance with Paragraph 7 Section II of Order № 317.

38. Where to familiarize with video materials on direct work with PRRO (entering the nomenclature of products, creating a receipt, etc.)? 

Actual materials on registration and use of free PRRO, including explanations, user instructions and video tutorials, are posted in banner "Software RRO" 

39. Question regarding the availability of downloading software solution for use in PRRO from the official web portal of the State Tax Service and question regarding procedure of PRRO registration.

Availability of downloading free software solution of the State Tax Service for settlement operations, procedure for its registration.

Since 01.08.2020, the State Tax Service has provided two free software solutions (PRRO) "Software registrar of settlement operations (PRRO kasa)" and "fiscal application pRROsto" for the business entities’ use, which were available for downloading on web portal of the State Tax Service.

Currently, these solutions can be applied, but due to the fact that the State Tax Service has developed new version of software solution – PRRO of the State Tax Service, which has updated functionality and can be used for operating systems Windows, Android, iOS, Web version, software solutions "PRRO kasa" and "fiscal application pРРОsto" are not updated, their downloading is limited.

Business entities that choose free software solution from the State Tax Service are recommended for further use of PRRO of the State Tax Service, which can be downloaded after switching to the link:

User manual of free PRRO of the State Tax Service (WEB, Android, iOS, Windows) can be found at:  

After installing free software solution of the State Tax Service on a device, it is subject to registration at the controlling body according to procedure established by Section II of the Procedure for registration, maintenance of the register and application of software registrars of settlement operations, approved Order of the Ministry of Finance № 317 as of 06.23.2020.

40. Do the changes introduced by Orders of the Ministry of Finance № 306 as of 18.06.2020 "On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance № 13 as of 21.01.2016" and № 329 as of 08.06.2021 "On amendments to the Regulation on the form and content of settlement documents/electronic settlement documents" to the form and content of settlement documents, to the form and content of settlement documents created by PRRO?

Requirements of the Regulation on the form and content of settlement documents/electronic settlement documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance № 13 as of 21.01.2016 (with changes) are applicable to all settlement documents created by RRO/PRRO, except for settlement travel and transportation documents on the railway (except for the suburban) and air transport, tickets for city and suburban car routes, city electric transport, state lottery tickets, receipts for postal services.

41. Who makes changes to PRRO software in terms of settlement documents formation in case of changes to the form and content of settlement documents?

State Tax Service makes changes to the software of free software solution (PRRO). Current versions of PRRO software from the State Tax Service are posted on its official web portal.

Changes are made to the software of other PRRO by their developers (producers).

42. Is the PRRO of the State Tax Service updated (functionality expanded)?

Currently, the updated version of free PRRO of the State Tax Service is offered for use, which can be used on devices that support Windows, Android and iOS operating systems. Web version is also available. It is possible to download updated versions of PRRO of the State Tax Service after switching to the link:

43. How is creation and editing of tax rates for various products carried out in PRRO from the State Tax Service?

Management of tax and levy rates is carried out in the "Tax and levy rates" directory, which is reflected in the table form with parameters of rates:

"Code" is a serial number of entry in the directory, value must be unique for each directory entry;

"Title of tax/levy" – tax title ("VAT", "Excise tax");

"Rate" – tax percentage value;

"Letter" – literal value of tax. For tax rates, a certain letter can be assigned only once. Duplication of letters in several directory entries is not allowed.

Percentage and letter value of tax set for a specific nomenclature item is reflected in settlement document.

44. Is it necessary to close the shift if it is necessary to change product nomenclature in PRRO from the State Tax Service?

Since the product nomenclature involves determining title, price and tax rates for relevant types of products, it is recommended to make changes to nomenclature after closing the shift.

45. What are the business entity’s actions, if the shift has not been closed at the end of the day, although the automatic closing mode is configured on PRRO?

PRRO user guide for Android, iOS and Windows versions, which is posted under the "Software RCO" banner on web portal of the State Tax Service ( contains detailed information about mode settings automatic closing of the shift in the "Automatic closing of the shift" subsection of "PRRO Software Settings" section.

Automatic closing of the shift on PRRO is performed only for PRRO, on which the shift has been opened by authorized user, and only under condition that PRRO is in active state, that is, PRRO software must not be closed.

Under the specified conditions and if there is a corresponding setting on PRRO, the shift is automatically closed.

46. What are the business entity’s actions, in case that PRRO receives message "It was not possible to renew the shift opening check. Need to download missing checks for recent changes"?

In this case, it is necessary to go to the "Log of operations" section and in the search field enter PRRO fiscal number, on which the shift is open and for which data must be updated. Then press the "Download data" button.

After such actions, program will report the result of updating data on such PRRO.

Subsection "Loading operations per shift from FSKO" of the "Operation log" section of the PRRO user guide.

47. Is it possible to edit prices in PRRO?

Editing of product prices in PRRO is carried out by editing the product nomenclature.

User needs to go to the "Directories" menu, select necessary product for editing, click on the selected product with the left mouse button or click on the icon for editing in setting mode opposite the selected product and make necessary changes.

Subsection "Viewing, editing, and deleting nomenclature" of the "Nomenclature Guide" section of the PRRO user manual.

48. How to download missing checks after installing "PRRO from the State Tax Service" software from/to the iPhone/Mac laptop (informs that format cannot be read)?

Data between devices of business entity is not synchronized. At the same time, business entity with the corresponding fiscal number of PRRO can view available information received by the fiscal server of the controlling body from PRRO in private part of the ICS "Electronic cabinet" in the "PRRO Data" mode.

49. If, after PRRO registration, there are changes in the registration data specified in the Application for registration of software registrars of settlement operations in Form 1-PRRO, is it necessary for a business entity to submit a corresponding application for changes/re-registration of PRRO?

If there have been changes in the name (surname, first name, patronymic (if any)) or tax number of the business entity (without state registration of termination), the name or address of the business unit where PRRO is used, application "Re-registration" is submitted.

If data that does not require re-registration is changed (change in the name of PRRO, etc.), application "Changes (except for re-registration)" is submitted.

Re-registration and changes to PRRO data are carried out after the cashier closes the shift and sends the last fiscal reporting check (Z-report) to the fiscal server of the State Tax Service.