Paragraph 1 Chapter 1 Section II of Procedure for registration and maintenance of settlement books, accounting books of settlement operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as of 14.06.2016 № 547 with changes and amendments (hereinafter – Procedure № 547) stipulates that business entities that carry out settlement operations in cash and / or non-cash form (using payment cards, payment checks, tokens, etc.) during the sale of products (services) in trade, public catering and services, except for business entities, that according to decisions approved by their own administrative documents stating that in case of the RRO’s failure or power outage, should not carry out settlement operations until proper connection of the backup RRO or electricity inclusion; such business entities also must register accounting books of settlement operations (abb. KORO).
Business entities that, according to decisions approved by their own administrative documents stating that in case of the RRO’s failure or disconnection of electricity, should not conduct settlement operations until proper connection of the backup RRO or electricity inclusion, may, if necessary and at their own request:
register KORO in manner and terms specified in Paragraphs 7 and 8 of Chapter 1 Section II of KORO registration procedure;
cancel registration of KORO and terminate its usage.
Form of KORO for RRO is given in Annex 1 to KORO registration procedure (Paragraph 3 Chapter 1 Section II of KORO registration procedure).
Paragraph 9 Chapter 4 Section II of KORO registration procedure stipulates that settlement receipts used during the power outage or during the RRO’s repair period are accounted for in Chapter 2 of KORO, registered on RRO. Columns 1 – 5 are filled in before the start of usage of settlement book; columns 6 – 8 are filled in before the start of registration of settlement operations using RRO after the restoration of electricity supply or installation of RRO after repair.
If beginning and end of one cycle of use of settlement book during power outages or for a period of the RRO’s repair fall on different working days, separate records are made for each working day in Chapter 2 of KORO on RRO, herewith columns 1, 2 are filled in only in the first day; column 8 – only on the last day of one cycle of usage of settlement book.
In addition, records in Chapter 1 are carried out daily on the basis of data of settlement receipts; record for the first day should include data on the relevant amounts (columns 3 – 10) on the control tape from the beginning of working day to the moment of RRO’s failure or power outage.
In record according to the fiscal report check, printed after resumption of the RRO’s work, it is necessary to indicate for which previous dates the data in this fiscal check are summarized (Paragraph 10 Chapter 4 Section II of KORO registration procedure).
Paragraph 10 Section III of Procedure for registration and usage of registrars of settlement operations for registration of settlement operations for products (services), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as of 14.06.2016 № 547 with changes and amendments, stipulates that if for a period of the RRO’s failure or in case of power outage the settlement operations are carried out using KORO and settlement book, after installation of repaired (reserve) RRO or restoration of power supply, it is necessary to make through RRO the calculations amount for the time of work using settlement book, as well as according to the control tape (in case of RAM zeroing) – for time preceding the RRO’s failure or power outage, separately for each rate of value added tax, excise tax or other tax (levy) after which the Z-report should be done. Operation “official deposit” is performed for the amount of cash stored at the settlements place if necessary.
More information is in the “Knowledge Base” of public information and reference resource