The web portal works in test mode. Send comments and suggestions to

Contact center

Honorable business entities and citizens!

You can get information and reference services online by calling the Contact Center of the State Tax Service by the phone number:

0 800 501 007

(free of charge from landline phones, from mobile –  at rates of mobile operators, call daily from 8 hours 00 minutes to 19 hours 00 minutes, on Friday from 8 hours 00 minutes to 18 hours 00 minutes (except Saturdays and Sundays)

or by contacting chat of Contact Center of the State Tax Service in messengers:


Viber, click here.

(it is also possible to join chat of Contact Center of the State Tax Service directly on the Public Information and Reference Resource ( by clicking on the button )

or by sending question/message to the email address:

Information on obtaining information and reference services by the telephone communication means

Territory of high trust level - press button 7.

For independent search for answer to question, you need to go to the Public Information and Reference Resource on the Internet or web portal of the State Tax Service in section "Public Information and Reference Resource" or send question to the e-mail address:

Citizens who are outside Ukraine can call Contact Center of the State Tax Service from the landline or mobile phone at: +380 44 454 16 13.

Information on contacting Contact Center of the State Tax Service via chat

After joining the chat, you must first choose information direction and reference services by clicking on the appropriate button:

After choosing direction, you need to ask question.


Information for individuals and legal entities on sending e-mails to the Information and Reference Department

If You are willing to send a question/message to e-mail address, you must clearly formulate question and OBLIGATORY indicate direction identifier of question in the "Topic" field.

If You have several questions for different field identifiers, please send questions in separate e-mails indicating relevant field identifiers of questions:

Identifier of direction of the question

Direction for obtaining information and reference services on:


Software RRO




Corporate income tax

Transfer pricing


Income tax

Income tax of business entities

Income tax of self-employed individuals involved in independent professional activity

Single contribution

Military levy


Excise tax

Licensing of production and turnover of alcohol, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and fuel

Repayment of taxpayers’ tax debt


Single tax

Procedure for using registrars of settlement operations


Accounting of taxpayers

Ecological tax

Rent payment for special water use

Rental payment for use of radio frequency resource of Ukraine

Rent payment for special use of forest resources

Rent payment for the transportation of oil and products by main pipelines and petroleum product pipelines, transit transportation of ammonia by pipelines across Ukraine

Rent for the subsoil use

Other levies (payments, contributions), not established by the Tax Code of Ukraine as national or local, but established by legislative acts of Ukraine as mandatory payments


Land payment

Real estate other than land tax

Transport tax

Levy for parking spaces for vehicles

Tourist tax

Foreign economic activity

State duty

Appealing decisions of regulatory bodies


Rights and obligations of taxpayers




Information about the "Pulse" service

Notification of the presence of unreliable/outdated information, methodological or technical problems in the operation of electronic services or systems on the web portal/sub-sites of the State Tax Service, information on minimizing payment of taxes, levies, single contribution, suggestions for normative legal acts on taxation, etc.




For information about legislative changes


For refusal to receive information about legislative changes