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171.9 thousand customers received free qualified public key certificates from the State Tax Service

, published 22 June 2020 at 18:06

171.9 thousand clients used services of the Qualified provider of electronic trust services during January – May 2020. They received 461.8 thousand qualified public key certificates free of charge.

Most often the provider’s services are used by individuals – 99.7 thousand. They received more than 200.5 thousand electronic keys.

72.2 thousand legal entities received 261.2 thousand qualified certificates during January – May 2020.

Electronic service for the re-formation of certificates by the electronic request was used by 60.2 thousand clients, of which 29.9 thousand – legal entities and 30.3 thousand – individuals. The number of 122.1 thousand certificates was generated by the electronic request.

In total, almost 8.7 million qualified public key certificates have been issued since the provider’s activity.

It should be reminded that by means of the re-formation of certificates by the electronic request each client has an opportunity independently, in a mode 24/7, and the main thing – remotely, within 2-3 minutes to receive the new certificate which will have 2 years validity.

As follows, the center’s customers do not have to spend their time and visit the center in person to receive a certificate.