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Meeting of expert groups of the STS and the Business Ombudsman Council was held within the communication tax platform

, published 24 June 2020 at 09:29

Representatives of the State Tax Service and the Business Ombudsman Council discussed tax issues that taxpayers address to the Council. Meeting was held using the ZOOM service and became the first within the communication tax platform which has been launched at the State Tax Service.

Functioning issues of the electronic VAT administration system, execution of the court decisions by tax bodies, accrual of fines based on the results of accounting for arrears of the military levy, procedures for accrual of the single social contribution, etc. were discussed during the meeting. 

Emphasis was also placed on the functional content of the Electronic cabinet. Particularly, it was about the introduction of additional opportunities for communication with the tax bodies in electronic form to obtain information about the purpose and results of tax audits. Currently, the STS is taking a number of measures to introduce functional innovations of the Electronic Cabinet.

STS provided legal argumentations on all issues raised by representatives of the Business Ombudsman Council. Some of them were agreed to be considered in details by the tax specialists with notification of the Business Ombudsman Council regarding the made decisions.