Due to the maintenance of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individuals – Entrepreneurs and Public Associations (hereinafter – the USR) in the period from 07 to 16 August 2020, the USR will not work (https://nais.gov.ua/article/v-ukraini-z-17-serpnya-2020-roku-zapratsyue-onovleniy-ediniy-derjavniy-reestr).
Please note that according to Paragraph 5.1 of the Regulations of a qualified provider of electronic trust services of the Information and Reference Department of the State Tax Service in order to verify applicant’s information, including information about the head of legal entity, his authority to represent the legal entity and the right to act on its behalf without a power of attorney, the registration administrator uses data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individuals – Entrepreneurs and Public Associations.
In this regard, we suggest legal entities to take care of receiving electronic trust services in advance.
During this period it is also recommended to use the online service “Repeated (remote) certification by the electronic request” on the official information resource of a qualified provider of electronic trust services, in case of valid certificates, unchanged registration data and private key, accessible only to the user and not compromised (https://acskidd.gov.ua/manage-certificates).