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STS Board outlined tasks and prospects of service by the end of 2020 during its first meeting

, published 14 August 2020 at 19:06

Today, Board members of the the State Tax Service of Ukraine discussed results of activity of the State Tax Service, its territorial bodies, as well as prospects and key areas of activity by the end of 2020. The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine Denis Ulyutin, Chairman of the State Tax Service Oleksiy Lyubchenko and his deputies, acting Commissioner of the SFS Serhii Solodchenko, President of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine” Grigol Katamadze, Deputy Business Ombudsman Tetiana Korotka, regional leadership of Main Directorates of the STS and Head of the Central Council of the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Employees the State Tax Service’s Bodies Oleksandr Kyslytsia.

Chairman of the STS Oleksiy Lyubchenko noted that currently the Tax Service has intensified its efforts to fulfill Government tasks set for the STS.

“Taking into account the importance of balanced execution of budget revenues for sustainable development of Ukrainian economy, implementation of the state functions and social obligations to society, the President of Ukraine personally, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine pay constant attention to activities of the Tax Service. Almost every STS’s suggestion aimed at improving tax administration finds its support from the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. That is why we must professionally meet challenges that we face and use all resources to achieve our goals without increasing pressure on business.” – emphasized Oleksiy Lyubchenko.

He also stated that due to the optimization of work, improvement of tax administration and destruction of the tax evasion schemes, the amount of tax payments is growing and level of their payment has already made up for the gap that has arisen in budget revenues since the beginning of year.

First Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine Denis Ulyutin also noted effectiveness of the State Tax Service.

“Board meetings are powerful enough tool to build strength and understand where we are going. Serious shortcomings have already been eliminated. This pace should not be slowed down and fulfill the budget for all indicators. We have a lot of obligations to citizens. It is also important to ensure organization of the STS’s functioning as a single legal entity, digitalization of processes, improvement of the Electronic cabinet and proper functioning of software RCOs. Implementation of the FATCA Agreement is a significant amount of work.” – stated Denis Ulyutin.

He also emphasized that as of today, the Ministry of Finance and the STS are finally cooperating effectively and systematically.

During the meeting, results of tax payments were analyzed and reserves were determined taking into account regional peculiarities.

Oleksiy Lyubchenko drew attention of Heads of the STS’s territorial bodies to the inadmissibility of suspending tax invoices of honest taxpayers of the real sector of economy and instructed them to take appropriate measures to improve the VAT System of electronic administration.

Also, the priority directions of the STS’s activity by the end of year were determined during the Board’s meeting. These are: strengthening the counteraction against corruption in the Service, development of electronic services and improving the level of taxpayers’ services, dialogue with business and improving tax administration as a basis for budget revenues, ensuring proper working conditions for tax specialists, as well as STS’s transparency and clarity for society.