Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine Oleksiy Lyubchenko participated in celebrations dedicated to the public Oath of Civil Servant by participants of the “Dual Education: a new form of training for the State Tax Service and its bodies”.
Project participants, including students from the SFS University and Kyiv National Economic University, had an opportunity to combine training and work at the STS. They became civil servants after taking the Oath.
“I want to wish those who follow us that you come to our place. This is a really interesting job and responsibility that comes after taking the Oath is very important, especially for people who know how to think and put their knowledge into practice.” – emphasized Oleksiy Lyubchenko.
Chairman of the STS thanked Dmytro Lukianenko the Rector of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and acting Rector of the SFS University Anton Monaenko for close cooperation with the State Tax Service during the project. Platform for the project was Main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv city.
“I am convinced that young people who graduate from these universities are one of the best young professionals. This joint project is extremely important. After all, it gives experience, knowledge that weighs much more than money. Knowledge is what always stays with us. Don’t waste time, keep working. As Bohdan Stupka said, do yours with love in your heart and yours will come to you” – specified Oleksiy Lyubchenko.
Oleksiy Lyubchenko also wished the project participants to work for development of the state and for one of them to head the State Tax Service in the future.
Project “Dual Education: a new form of training for the State Tax Service and its bodies” is implemented with support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Kyiv School of Economics.
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