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Tax specialists exposed illegal actions of exporters that caused damage to the budget totaling 508.6 million UAH

, published 04 March 2021 at 10:42

Tax specialists jointly with Prosecutor General Office exposed a number of business entities of Kyiv region that sold goods outside the customs territory of Ukraine for a total amount of 508.6 million UAH.

To evade income tax, the brokerage companies prepared a package of documents from companies with fictitiousness signs.

In fact, highly liquid products (walnuts, pumpkin seeds) were bought from Ukrainian citizens and farms for cash without recording operations in financial and tax accounting, after which the brokerage companies carried out customs clearance of goods in the “export” regime by companies with fictitiousness signs. Due to this scheme, the foreign exchange earnings from non-resident companies remained abroad and taxes were not paid to the state budget of Ukraine.

Based on analytical research conducted by the Anti-money laundering department of main Directorate of the STS in Kyiv region it was detected that in order to evade taxes and legalize proceeds, officials of the so-called “exporters” committed illegal acts aimed at concealing the illegal origin of assets, with their subsequent introduction into legal turnover through registration of export operations for 508.6 million UAH.

Criminal proceeding under Part 2 Article 364, Part 2 Article 366 and Part 3 Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was registered. Pre-trial investigation is ongoing.


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