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Payment of the single tax increased by 0.8 billion UAH in January – February 2021

, published 18 March 2021 at 13:46

Individuals – entrepreneurs paid 7.2 billion UAH of the single tax to local budgets in January – February 2021. This is 13.2% or 0.8 billion UAH more than during the same period in 2020. Single tax revenues amounted to 6.4 billion UAH in January – February 2020.

Revenues from the single tax paid by individuals amounted to 4.4 billion UAH in February 2021. Single tax payments increased by 21.3% or almost 0.8 billion UAH comparing to February last year. 3.6 billion UAH was paid during the corresponding period in 2020.

Reminder! Single tax is credited to local budgets, so payers who pay it direct funds for development of their region, ensuring timely financing of regional programs by local self-governments and fulfillment of local government obligations to their residents.


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