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Employees of the STS participated in online seminar on excise taxation

, published 23 March 2021 at 16:12

Representatives of the STS participated in a practical online seminar on the topic: “Traceability system of tobacco products in the European Union. Regulations on the turnover of tobacco products and liquids for electronic cigarettes and their implementation into the national law”. This is the third seminar held within the framework of project “Effective Public Finance Management III” implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Government of Germany at the request of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

German experts of the public finance sphere shared their experience with Ukrainian civil servants responsible for taxation and control over excisable products and implementation of relevant EU rules in national Ukrainian legislation.

Seminar was also attended by representatives of Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the University of SFS of Ukraine in Irpin and the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

Seminar was conducted by experienced German experts-practitioners in the excise taxation and customs control sphere Friedrich Seewald and Dennis Nering, who presented experience of the Ministry of Finance of Germany and the General Customs Directorate of Germany (in Bonn) to Ukrainian specialists.

The main focus of seminar was on the taxation of tobacco products in the European Union, as well as functioning of the detection and tracking system of such products in the EU (Track & TraceSystem).

During three days of online workshop, experts considered the following key blocks:

• traceability of tobacco products in the European Union (Track & TraceSystem);

• legal bases of excise taxation of tobacco products: the EU Directive on production of tobacco products 2014/40 / EU;

• implementation of the EU legal framework into national Ukrainian legislation.

In general, the workshop concluded a review of the first comprehensive package of information on the basics of tobacco traceability system in the European Union. Representatives of Ukrainian state authorities were able to deepen their knowledge in the relevant sphere, which they apply in the adaptation of national tax legislation to legal provisions and the EU directives.


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