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Oleksiy Lyubchenko: Success of tax reform depends on trust and interaction between taxpayers and the state

, published 29 March 2021 at 14:00

Success of measures to reform the tax system and effectively overcome tax schemes depends not so much on extensive efforts to increase tax control, but on building a reliable model of interaction between taxpayers and the state, to which both parties of tax relationship will have trust. This was stated by Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine Oleksiy Lyubchenko in article of edition “Dzerkalo tyzhnya”.

According to him, to implement these steps, it is necessary to ensure that the state adheres to several key principles in taxation sphere. Such principles should be: fairness – equality of all taxpayers before the law, prevention of any manifestations of tax discrimination; transparency – exchange of information between tax agents and tax authorities; attention to the essence of operations, rather than their form, convenience in interaction with the tax authorities – to pay taxes honestly should be profitable; Tax service provides quality service to the taxpayers.

 “Implementation of these principles, in my opinion, will create natural conditions for solving the problem of tax regulation in Ukraine and ensure compliance with legislative requirements regarding payment of taxes by economic entities.” – assured Oleksiy Lyubchenko. 

According to him, in practice, implementation of the above specified principles should include those steps that will implement the best international experience in reforming and improving the tax system.


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