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STS has already received 67 notification on participation in the international group of companies

, published 10 September 2021 at 10:21

State Tax Service has already received first notifications on participation in the international group of companies for 2020.

Taxpayers who carried out controlled operations in the reporting year are required to submit such notifications by October 1 of year following the reporting year. Notification is submitted to the controlling body through the E-cabinet in electronic form.

67 notifications have already been submitted to the STS, 17 of which contain the taxpayers’ reporting regarding belonging to the international group of companies (IGC). Declared information regarding the total income of such IGCs indicates their profitability and only one is unprofitable.

As of the submission status of Report in terms of international groups of companies submitted by taxpayers, the number of 9 notifications indicate that such Report will be submitted by the final parent company; 6 indicate that Report will be submitted by the IGC’s authorized participant; 2 more notifications indicate that location of the IGC’s parent company does not require submission of the Report from such IGC according to legislative requirements and, herewith, the parent company of such group does not authorize another IGC member to submit the Report in another foreign jurisdiction where it is provided.

Information concerning countries (territories) of tax residence of the IGC’s parent company, the taxpayers declared Austria (4 notifications), Netherlands (3 notifications), Germany (2 notifications), the USA (2 notifications) and other countries.

STS by the end of reporting campaign, namely by 01.10.2021, expects to receive about 2 thousand notifications from taxpayers who carried out controlled operations in 2020.


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