State Tax Service of Ukraine expects exceeded indicative targets on revenues to general fund of the state budget for 2021. This was stated by acting Chairman of the STS Mikhail Titarchuk during the conference call with heads of structural subdivisions and territorial bodies.
He noted that in general revenues indicators to general fund of the state budget set at 596 billion UAH for 2021 are expected to be exceeded. Basis for this expectation is results of the STS’s work during December 2021.
Objective and non-objective factors that affect quality of performance of functions by the STS’s territorial bodies for effective tax administration were also analyzed during the conference call, as well as budget parameters defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the state budget of Ukraine for 2022” in terms of macro indicators and tax revenues.
“Law on the state budget for 2022 sets amount of 698.8 billion UAH of taxes, levies and charges administered by the STS. Comparing to set indicators for current year, this is 17.3% more or 102.9 billion UAH of additional revenues. With this in mind, we need to join forces to improve tax administration and more actively develop services for taxpayers. The main thing is to provide revenues without pressure on business. We work on the principle of openness, partnership and unconditional legislative compliance” – specified Mikhail Titarchuk.
He also noted that the tax culture in Ukraine is strengthening and the STS will continue to pay more attention to this aspect.
“I thank everyone who pays taxes honestly – in this way you support our state and contribute to its development. Thanks to you, today our country is moving towards new, higher living standards” – emphasized Mikhail Titarchuk.
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