Total volume of products (services) sold by large taxpayers amounted to about 50% of the total volume of products sold by Ukrainian enterprises according to results of 10 months of 2021.
Large taxpayers operated in such sectors of economy as:
mining and quarrying – 89%;
supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning – 73%;
professional, scientific and technical activity – 70%;
transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities – 53%;
processing industry – 52%;
wholesale and retail trade – 46%.
Total volume of products (services) sold by large taxpayers in all sectors of economy for 10 months of 2021 amounted to 4.524 billion UAH.
The biggest sales volume of products and services was declared by payers in the Central Interregional Directorate (Kyiv) – 2.473 billion UAH, while in the Eastern Directorate (Dnipro) – 1.092 billion UAH, Western (Lviv) – 363 billion UAH, South (Odessa) – 342 billion UAH, North (Kharkiv) – 305 billion UAH.
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