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What information is indicated in Column 6 of the Inventory accounting form by individuals - entrepreneurs, including single tax payers in the case of internal transportation of goods?

, published 31 December 2021 at 11:32

Procedure for inventory accounting for individuals - entrepreneurs, including single tax payers approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as of 03.09.2021 № 496 (hereinafter – Procedure № 496) determines rules of inventory accounting and applies to individuals - entrepreneurs, in including single tax payers, who according to Paragraph 12 Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine as of 06.07.1995 № 265/95-VR “On the use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, catering and services” with changes and amendments (hereinafter – Law № 265) are required to keep inventory accounting and to sell only those goods that are reflected in such accounting, and individuals who actually carry out sale of goods (services) and / or settlement operations at the sales place (business entity) of such individuals - entrepreneurs.

Paragraph 1 Section II of Procedure № 496 establishes that inventory accounting is carried out by individual - entrepreneur by constantly entering information on the receipt and disposal of goods on the basis of primary documents that are an integral part of such accounting in the Inventory accounting form (hereinafter – Accounting form).

Herewith, primary documents – description of balance of goods at the beginning of accounting, invoices, transport documents, customs declarations, procurement acts, fiscal checks, commodity checks, other documents containing details that identify the supplier and recipient of goods (name (title) of business entity, registration number of the taxpayer’s account card or code according to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine of the business entity, series and passport number / card ID number for individuals who due to their religious beliefs refused to accept registration number of the taxpayer’s account card and officially notified the relevant supervisory authority and have appropriate mark in the passport, date of conduction of operation , name, quantity and value of goods (Paragraph 2 Section I of Procedure № 496).

Individual – entrepreneur that operates in several sales places (business entity), keeps inventory accounting for each individual sales place (business entity) on the basis of primary documents confirming receipt of goods by such individual – entrepreneur or a separate sales place (business entity) and / or primary documents for the internal transportation of goods between the individual – entrepreneur and its individual sales place (business entity). Primary documents for internal transportation of goods are an integral part of such accounting.

Primary documents on the basis of which entries in the Accounting form are made are mandatory annexes to such form. Entering data in Accounting form for the receipt of goods on the basis of primary documents is carried out before their sale.

Accounting form is defined in annex to the Procedure № 496 and provides for filling in Column 6 “Supplier (seller, producer) or recipient of goods”.

Sub-paragraph 3.3. Paragraph 3 Section II of Procedure № 496 stipulates that Columns 3 – 6 must contain requisites of primary document, type of primary document, date of its compilation, number of primary document (if any), name (title of business entity - supplier or recipient, its registration number of the taxpayer’s account card or code according to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine code / ID card number for individuals who due to their religious beliefs refused to accept registration number of the taxpayer’s account card and officially notified the relevant supervisory authority and have appropriate mark in the passport.

Sub-paragraph 5 Paragraph 3 Section II of Procedure № 496 stipulates that disposal of goods for purposes of Procedure № 496 is considered to be an internal transportation of goods between sales places (business entity) and / or places of storage belonging to one individual – entrepreneur.

As follows, in the case of internal transportation of goods the Column 6 of the Accounting form, in accordance with Sub-paragraph 3.3. Paragraph 3 Section II of Procedure № 496, must contain the name (title) of business entity (owner or user of business unit where the goods come from), his / her registration number of the taxpayer’s account card or code according to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine code / ID card number for individuals who due to their religious beliefs refused to accept registration number of the taxpayer’s account card and officially notified the relevant supervisory authority and have appropriate mark in the passport. In order to unambiguously identify the business unit from which and to which the goods are transported, it is additionally recommend that to indicate in primary documents the name (title) and address of such / such business unit.


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