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Consolidated budget received 120.1 billion UAH in March 2022

, published 01 April 2022 at 17:44

Consolidated budget in terms of payments controlled by the State Tax Service received 120.1 billion UAH in March 2022 according to operative data.

Of this amount, the state budget received 95.4 billion UAH and local budgets –24.7 billion UAH. A significant amount of revenue is the payment of dividends by state-owned companies.

Revenues of the consolidated budget increased significantly compared to March 2021. The increase is 36.4 billion UAH (+43.5 percent) or 3.9 billion UAH (+ 4.7 percent) excluding dividends.

Revenues of the single contribution to obligatory state social insurance amounted to 27.8 billion UAH. This is 0.8 billion UAH more than in March 2021.

We thank all payers for their active citizenship!