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Taxes during war - the second webinar of the State Tax Service and the Business Ombudsman Council

, published 01 June 2022 at 10:11

Formats of interaction with the business community and the public are changing according to challenges of the martial law today. Webinars launched by the State Tax Service and the Business Ombudsman Council have become interesting communication platforms for communication between tax officials and taxpayers. The second webinar of series was devoted to taxation topic during the marital law.

Heads of structural units of the State Tax Service Tetiana Grechana and Tetiana Dotsenko discussed topic “Taxes during war: what are the main changes in work of tax officials”. They talked about peculiarities of doing business during the martial law, in particular, innovations of the Law of Ukraine № 2260 as of 12.05.2022 and introduction of moratorium on tax audits.

Tax nuances on the recovery of lost (destroyed) documents were also considered.

Watch the video for a detailed explanation of these issues.

Importance and relevance of topic of the second webinar was evidenced by a large number of questions that participants asked representatives of the State Tax Service. Given the inability to provide answers to all questions due to the limited time, the State Tax Service will process them in the question - answer format, which will be published on web portal of the State Tax Service.

The next webinar will take place on 07.06.2022, during which changes in the control of international taxation will be considered.