Excise tax payers transferred 7.7 billion UAH of excise tax from excisable goods produced and imported to the customs territory of Ukraine to general fund of the State budget of Ukraine in July 2022. This is almost at level of the corresponding period last year and by 0.7% (57.3 million UAH) more than set income indicators.
Positive dynamics in the excise tax revenues from alcoholic beverages, in particular, liquor-vodka products, continues to be maintained in July.
Excise tax revenues from liquor and vodka products produced and imported to the customs territory of Ukraine for the specified period amounted to 0.8 billion UAH. This is by 7.2% (56.5 million UAH) more than actual revenues of the previous year and by 39.3% (237.4 million UAH) more than set income indicators.
Reminder! Provisions of the law regarding the transfer of an obligation to pay a 5% excise tax on the retail sale of tobacco products to producers and importers of tobacco products, liquids used in electronic cigarettes entered into force on May 1, 2022.
494 million UAH of 5% of excise tax was declared by producers and importers in July 2022 for the reporting period of June 2022. This is 2 times more than the average monthly indicators of January – April 2022 and 1.9 times the indicators of 2021.
In addition, 150 million UAH of 5% of excise tax on the retail sale of tobacco products was declared by retail business entities in July on the balance of unsold tobacco products produced before April 1, 2022.