State Tax Service of Ukraine has processed 1 thousand requests for public information over January – October 2022.
Of the total number: 121 requests were received by mail, 850 by e-mail and 29 personally from the requester.
The biggest number of requests for obtaining public information came from individuals, namely 586 requests. Since the beginning of year: 372 requests for public information have been received from legal entities, 2 from citizen associations without the legal entity’s status and 40 from mass media representatives.
According to the consideration results of requests: 617 were satisfied with provision of information, 206 were rejected due to the non-compliance of requests with requirements of the Law of Ukraine № 2939-IV as of 13.12.2011 "On access to public information" and 177 – sent by affiliation.
The vast majority of requesters were interested in the tax information (71.6 percent of the total number of requests), legal information (9.1 percent).
Reminder! Requests for receiving public information are sent to the e-mail address