With assistance of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and within the framework of implementation of the Work Plan for 2022-2023 at the initiative of the Ministry of Finance (Treasury) of the United States (Office of Technical Assistance) a number of educational trainings were held during 2022, in which team of the for Tax Debt Department participates in an intensive capacity building program on the tax debt collection.
Participation in such a unique program will allow to strengthen personnel potential and ensure effective implementation of good world practice, which is a proven experience, working out practical cases.
Purpose of the event is to improve skills of employees who control the tax debt collection (to curb growth of non-compliance with the law and to help taxpayers cope with pressures that cause crises). Trainings include both conceptual presentations and practical cases.
To achieve the specified goal, experience of tax authorities of other countries that have experienced large-scale crises is studied. In addition, published ideas from academic circles and international organizations, including the IMF, the World Bank and the EU, are considered.
It is important to note that the Office of Technical Assistance has also been asked to develop a common concept of operations (CONOPS) that will define the desired future state of tax debt management of the State Tax Service.
For the State Tax Service, cooperation with the Office of Technical Assistance is extremely important, as its activities in taxation sphere are focused, including, around such areas as development of recommendations for working with tax debt, especially its collection.
Due to such measures, the State Tax Service improves and builds its capacity to improve tax debt collection activities, providing optimal ways to transition from current to the post-war state.