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“Automated system for compliance monitoring tax invoice/adjustment calculation with risk assessment criteria: data tables and riskiness of payers” – joint webinar of the State Tax Service and the Business Ombudsman Council

, published 07 December 2022 at 15:28

State Tax Service of Ukraine and the Business Ombudsman Council continued topic of the Automated system for compliance monitoring tax invoice/adjustment calculation with risk assessment criteria during another webinar for business representatives and civil society institutions. This time, speakers talked about data tables and riskiness of payers.

Participants were informed about who should submit the VAT payer's data tables, as well as about application of point 8 of the taxpayer’s risk criteria. The TOP-3 main reasons for non-acceptance of the taxpayer’s data tables and the TOP-3 main reasons for assigning taxpayers to the list of risky ones were considered, in particular, presence of risky counterparties in the purchase and sale of goods (works/services), concept of determining their share in the total amount of purchase/sale, level of provision of labor resources in conditions of the martial law.

Representatives of the State Tax Service explained ways for payers to find out actual reasons for non-acceptance of tables/attributing them to the risk lists and overcoming established risks.

Tax officials, during the webinar, answered the taxpayers' questions, considered individual cases and provided clarification on the most common questions. In particular, representatives of the Business Ombudsman Council noted work of communication tax platforms that effectively solve issues of taxpayers.